Two/The Plan(Cyrus)

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🎵Chapter Song~Vendetta by Unsecret(Deeper Version)

I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on my door loudly.
"Who the fuck is it" I shouted. God damn am trying to sleep
"Can I come in?" my brother's voice said softly.
"Yeah come in" As the door opened I sat up staring at him.
"What's so important that you're pounding on my door at fucken" I glanced over to my nightstand reading the time on the clock.
"At fucken three in the morning" I rubbed my face.
"It's an emergency"
"It can't wait"I questioned.
He didn't say anything, one of two things clicked in my mind, either something happened to Kayla, or one of my ranks was badly wounded. I threw my blanket on the other side of me as I got off my bed and got dressed.
"Who the fuck got hurt" I glared at him, not meaning to but my blood was boiling and I was taking it out on him.
"It's Charlie"
How the fuck, Charlie, he's my best hunter in the pack he knows pretty damn well how to defend himself.
"Where is he"
"He's with Hope in the healing room"
I stormed out of my room and ran to the healing room, once I walked in I saw Hope. Charlie, Axel, and Carson.
"What the fuck happened"
"Cyrus calm down," Axel said pushing me back from Hope. I didn't see the look on her face until I looked up, she looked scared like she had done something to make me mad.
"Am sorry Hope"
"It's alright"
I took a deep breath as I looked at Charlie lying on the bed with wraps and herbs all over his torso, chest, and arms.
"What happened" I walked closer to Charlie.
"I-" he barely had any strength to say one word, my blood was beginning to boil as I saw how wounded he looked, I can't imagine his pain right now.
" I had smelt blood near our border and when I rushed over I saw Charlie lying down on the ground just covered in blood, at first I thought he just got into a very bloody hunt until I couldn't hear him breathing, I called over Carson to help me get him here," said Axel.
"What's wrong with him Hope," I asked,
"He has cuts all over, and he had wolfsbane in his system"
"He was attacked"
"I am pretty sure he was, he has scratches that look like wolf marks, and his torso was just inches away from being, well you know" she softly said at the end. Someone almost killed Charlie..and when I find them am going to tear their body apart as they're watching and that's the last thing they see.
"How is he not dead" Carson said.
"It must be a message" Axel looked at me.
"They just attacked my best hunter, whoever did this knows us"
"How can you be sure" said Carson.
"Because only people who have known us, know the exact spots Charlie hunts at, Charlie isn't stupid to leave our territory or hunt the same place in a day"
"Or they're watching us" Axel said while looking at me.
"We need to find whoever it is sooner than later" I demand.
Axel and Carson nodded their heads and then left.
"Hope please tell me he's gonna make it"
"Whoever did this knew he would be found"
"Why do you say that"
"Because wolfsbane takes four hours to be fatal and when he came in he wasn't even purple Cyrus"
"They planned on him getting found before that dose became fatal or Charlie is just pure lucky"
"But it's out right"
"Almost, the herbs that are wrapped in my oil are sucking up all the bane out of his system by his wounds"
"Thank you Hope"
"Keep him alive huh" I told then left to the pack house.

The message was loud and clear even without one. "I waltzed into your territory and attacked your best hunter, your not as powerful as you think you are"
As everyone walked in after Axel and I called an emergency meeting, We both were going over the plans.
"Alright so as some of you know Charlie has been attacked and severely wounded"
"Oh no," some of the wolves said while shaking their head and some gasped.
"So in the meanwhile Axel is gonna take over as the Kappa Wolf until Charlie is healed and we get this fucker"
Some wolves shouted and said "Fuck yes"
"We aren't going to rest until we get these fuckers, and show them nobody fucks with the Crescent Moon pack" Axel shouted.
"That means everyone is gonna take turns watching the entrances and the hideouts posts until we catch this bastard, that means more eyes, and wolf power than before. You will be in pair of three's as your watching so there is a slim chance of ambushing"
Everyone shouted and started leaving out the door.

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