🎵Chapter Song~Ride by SoMo(slowed version)
I always felt more alive when I was hunting plus it kept me distracted from Artemis which was a bonus.
"What's on your mind"Axel said running next to me.
I hated that he could tell when something was on my mind.
"Nothing" I lied, lowering my heart rate so he wouldn't notice but that never works at least with him."Your lying to me, your my best-friend I know you better than yourself Cy"
I gave a growl as we ran faster, getting more speed and ready for the jump at the end of the cliff, I may have ran a little faster to avoid the question but it only bought me a little time because Axel was right next to me again after we both jumped.
"You're avoiding my question" he gave out a growl.
"I hate you sometimes" I growled back
Than we finally stopped at the site were the rest of the pack was, shifting back to ourselves.
"Talk to me"Axel said as he raised his shirt above his head putting on his shirt, as did I.
"It's Artemis" I finally gave in.
"What do you mean" He sat down on the log beside the fire.
"I think she's hiding something"I sighed sitting across from him.
"Why do you think that"he raised his brow.
"It's just a feeling I have, and a pretty damn good one"
"Okay, why do you have this feeling"
"Ever since our talk on our wedding night it's been driving me crazy how she reacted when we talked about kids"
He made a ah sound while rocking his head up and down"What" I gave him a questioned look.
"Nothing, maybe she's just not ready"
"I don't think it was that, we talked about it she asked me questions and I told her honestly" I ran my fingers through my damp but still sweaty hair.
"She smiled and laughed but when I told her when she was ready like everything in her shifted, at first I thought I was miss reading it but than over the weeks her mood always changed when my mom talked about having a baby"
"Maybe she's just scared Cy, I mean I wouldn't blame her with everything that happened to her family"
He's right
"Do you think it's about Apollo" I asked, like he would have the question that I really needed.
"Honestly it could be, her twin is in a coma and you know what that would do to us wolves but at the same time twin wolves feel a lot of shit compared to us regular wolves" It didn't even cross my mind until now..how could I be so dumb it was big part of what I should have questioned, was she afraid of us having twins it was definitely in the cards considering she has a high chance of being pregnant with twins. Was it haunting her about Apollo was that why she's scared to have kids.
"Maybe you're right"I gave a relieved sigh.
"Maybe she will be ready soon"
"Am tired of everyone drilling my head about this damn heir" I grabbed some wood laying around to break it in half for the fire. First it was a mate, than a wedding and now a fucken heir..I need a break
"When do they want you to have one"
"They want to know by the end of the this year"
"So seven months, I can't believe it's been five months since you got married"
"Me and you both"
"I say give her till the end of this month on her own than after talk to her"
"Yeah, that would be best" We both looked around as we noticed the sun was beginning to set,"We should get cleaned up we have to leave in a hour if we wanna get back home before midnight"
"Yeah" he stood up"We definitely should, I love nature but I miss my god damn bed" he chuckled. "Me and you both brother" I patted his shoulder twice before we started picking up.
-About three hours later we finally got back to the pack house, it was raining and god did I miss the rainy nights.
"What's up" I asked Axel as he stared at his phone.
"Nothing it's all good really" I looked around and noticed the others weren't here, just like he was reading my confusion he replied, "looks like their running behind" I opened the door "Just make sure their okay, I need some sleep" I looked at him and he nodded, I got out the car walking to the door opening it, as I opened and closed the door the sweet familiar scent filled my lungs as if she was standing right in front me God I love lavender..it was my new favorite smell..why was she still up I wanted to be back before nightfall but that didn't go as planned as me and Axel passed out due to our run, it was past midnight.

Loup-garouBE ADVISED THIS STORY CONTAINS VIOLENCE, STRONG LANGUAGE, STRONG THEMES AND SEXUAL CONTENT. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED PLEASE READ AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION! He would cross anyone, cold as the chilling night..but when she gets close..he'd burn the world for...