➰ Chapter 2➰

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〰️TIME SKIP (3Months later)〰️

You have been working there for 3months and you already get to used with Sanzu and the others members.

You walking into Sanzu's office "here's some documents for you" You hands over a file with documents to him.

Sanzu watched as you entered his office.

He sighed, putting out his cigarette before grabbing the documents and flipping through them. He gestured for you to sit down across from him, his intense gaze locked onto you like an eagle stalking it's pray.

"that's all". You turned around opened the door. Sanzu's gaze followed you, watching for a moment before speaking. "You're not gonna stay and have a chat with me?"

"i have a lot of work to do". You replies.

Sanzu raised an eyebrow, his gaze remaining on you. "Oh, come on. You've been working so hard today~" There was a teasing tone edged into his voice. You simply reply with a soft tone "thanks but i'm fine". You walking away out from his office.

Sanzu smirked, leaning back and crossing his arms.
"Suit yourself, little mouse." He looked down at the papers, picking his cigarettes back up and lighting one. Sanzu watched as you left his office, his gaze fixed on your figure until you were out of his sight. He leaned back in his chair, sighing and rubbing his temples. He hated how much you made him conflicted.

~1hour later~
"here's your coffee" you bring him a cup of coffee.

Sanzu raised an eyebrow, a smirk appearing on his lips at the sight of you. "Ah, you're back already? And you brought me coffee, how kind." He said sarcastically, taking the coffee and gesturing for you to sit down again. "it's my job since i was your PA" you talk politely to him. Sanzu took a sip of his coffee, the bitter taste of it on his tongue. He looked at you, his gaze still as intense as ever.

"Ah, of course- your job, how could I forget. I suppose you're just a bit too efficient for your own good." He said with a smirk, amused at your punctuality.

You ask him "anything i can do ? if not.. i want go back home". Sanzu chuckled at your words, shaking his head.

"No, no, you've done plenty. I suppose I can let you leave a little early today, since you've been such a good and obedient puppy." He said with a smirk, gesturing for you to go. You replying to him "Thanks". Sanzu's smirk widened, amused by your obedience. "Anytime, my little mouse~" He said in a teasing tone, leaning back and taking another sip of his coffee.


Sanzu was on his way to his office when he heard a familiar voice down the hallway- your voice. He stopped in his tracks, surprised and a little bit curious by the sound of you. He had never heard you laugh like that before. His focus went to the sound of you laughing, a frown on his face. "Who's making her laugh? Who's making her that happy?"

He leaned against the nearest wall, looking at you from a distance as he quietly lit a cigarette and began to smoke while listening intently.

You suddenly noticed him "ahh you here !"  You quickly end the call. Sanzu glanced at you, his smirk spreading across his lips.

"Ah, my little mouse, how are you this morning? I was just walking by when I heard you on the phone. Must've been quite amusing."

"Who were you talking to?" he ask you with curiosity *Why is it even bothering me that she was laughing?* he asks himself. He taking a drag of his cigarette and exhaling, the smoke escaping his lips.

"ah im fine , just talking to my boyfriend on phone.." You answered him. Sanzus' smirk disappeared the second you mentioned the word 'boyfriend'. He raised an eyebrow, his gaze instantly going cold and icy. *BOYFRIEND?!*

Sanzu's expression darkened upon hearing that. *What the hell?! She got a boyfriend? Why's it even bothering me? What's happening to me?..* he questions himself.  *But I like her... I like her so.. why does it feel weird hearing that she's dating someone?*

"Oh, a boyfriend, huh? I didn't know that part about you..."
He said, his voice sharp like venom. He took another drag of his cigarette, trying to mask his jealousy and shock at this new found information.

"yes my boyfriend.. i don't think you know him. but he such a nice guy" You talking about your boyfriend.

Sanzu scoffed, his anger and jealousy only growing. He didn't care about the fact the guy was nice- it didn't change the fact that he wanted you for himself.

"I see... how long have you two been together?"

"1year.. you know someone with tiger tattoo on his neck ?" You try to ask him if he know your boyfriend.
Sanzu's eyes widened slightly, his expression instantly turning more serious. He tensed up slightly, flicking the cigarette away and crossing his arms.

"I know exactly who you're talking about."
His tone was filled with venom and disgust as he spoke, his expression completely cold and stoic. But you don't believe he know who's your boyfriend. So you asking him "who ? bet you doesn't know him"

Sanzu looked down at you, his eyes narrowing

In a low voice he says.

"Kazutora Hanemiya."

He says the tiger's name with clear disdain and disgust, a scowl forming on his lips

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He says the tiger's name with clear disdain and disgust, a scowl forming on his lips. You just was shock that he know your boyfriend "ho-how you know ?"  Sanzu looked at you, his expression still cold and icy.

"Because he's my old friend." He says with a harsh scoff. "ahh i see. he a nice guy right ?"  You smiling to him. Sanzu raised an eyebrow, his icy gaze focused on you. He scoffed, shaking his head.

"Nice? That's not a word I would use to describe him. A psychopath, murderer, and traitor are words that would be better used for him."

He says with the same icy tone, his expression completely blank. You suddenly shock by his words "mu-murderer ? kidding me ?"

Sanzu looked dead serious as he explained. "No, I'm not joking. I never joke about these things. Kazutora Hanemiya is a cold blooded killer. He is a traitor who's betrayed his own friends in the past and was locked up for attempted murder."

"Saying he's a good person is like saying that the sky is green and the ocean is land."

Your face turn disappointed, look down and sit at your place without any words.



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