➰Chapter 22➰

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"it's you sanzu haruchiyo" Be careful. if someone calling out your full name that's mean they really mad.

Sanzu's heart shattered to pieces at hearing you not call for him using any of the pet names you had for him. Immediately he squeezed you tightly, tears streaming down his face as he spoke in a sorrowful, heartbroken tone. His voice filled with heartbreak, guilt, and sorrow.

"N-no...I know you're mad at me and that's completely fair...but please...please...don't call me by my full name, baby girl..."

"let go off your hand"

Sanzu let go of your thigh, allowing his grip to loosen. However he remained holding you on his lap, tears streaming down his face as he buried his head in your shoulder. A heart wrenching tone in his voice as he sobbed against your shoulder.

"...I'm sorry...I'm so sorry, baby girl...I'll never ever hurt you again..."

"get out"

Sanzu's heart immediately sank as he slowly raised his head, a broken expression on his face as he heard you say that. He slowly released you from his embrace, his eyes downcast as he slowly got out of bed and walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

He stood outside the room, listening to you still crying as he stood right in front of the door. He felt his heart breaking further with each second, and he had never felt more heart broken in his life. He wanted to desperately go back in there to comfort you, but he knew that he was the reason why you were crying. So he simply stood there, listening to you cry and knowing that it was his fault entirely.

Sanzu sat around the house all night, still feeling guilty over the whole situation. He couldn't sleep at all, and had spent his night staring up at the ceiling until the morning. When the morning came, he slowly got out of bed, walking over to your bedroom door and slowly opening it...only to find no one there. He searched the entire room, until he saw the note. Seeing it, his heart sank. However there was a part of him that felt relieved that you still had plans to return...

*note* "i go to work"

He wasted no time. he immediately walked to the bathroom and took a shower to clean his body and get ready to go to work. Sanzu arrived at the office building for Bonten, his expression lacking his usual smirk and having the energy of a lost puppy. He slowly walked into the building and towards the elevator, only hoping that you'll forgive him today. He could still hear your heartbroken sobs from last night, which made him wish that he could go back and stop himself from snapping like that.

Sanzu stood leaning against the doorframe of the office, staring at you sitting at your desk and working silently for the entire day. It was clear that you were still mad at him, considering that you were ignoring him. Just watching you made guilt fill his heart even more. You were always so lively and happy when he was there...but now you had such a cold, closed off expression that made him feel bad for hurting you. He yearned for the days when you would happily run over and greet him with a kiss.

He noticed you was looking at him for a second but you wake up walk away into mikey office. Sanzu's heart skipped a beat when he saw you look over at him, his heart instantly going back into the guilt filled state just from your cold stare alone. He watched you walk away into Mikey's office, his expression somber as he knew you were avoiding him. But he decided to give you space for now, and turned around to return to his office so that he couldn't watch you anymore.

You walk into his office "mikey wants you to sign here" you handed to him a document.

Sanzu had been sitting at his desk when you entered, and he looked up upon seeing you enter. He took a deep breath, slowly speaking in a guilty voice.

"......Thank you..."

He slowly took the document, and began reading over it carefully to see what it was about. He felt slightly excited to see that you were actually talking to him, even though it was just about work.

After finishing signing the document, Sanzu handed it back to you. Sanzu couldn't help but watch you as you took the documents back and left, guilt filling his heart as he was reminded once again that you were still angry at him and avoiding him. He desperately wanted to say something, anything to get things back to normal between you, but he didn't know what to say. In reality, he just wished that he hadn't snapped at you and upset you in the first place. This was all his fault...

Ran suddenly come from nowhere and approached you. Sanzu's brow furrowed upon seeing Ran approach you, and he observed as you followed him into his office. Something was wrong. He knew that his gut was feeling a sense of wrongness, the way he did it usually did whenever something was wrong with you. So, he slowly got up as well, and began walking towards Ran's office as well, making sure to remain subtle.

Sanzu stared with wide eyes as you suddenly flung the door open and simply walked away, his mind running at a mile a minute trying to understand what had just happened. His expression darkened as it instantly went back to a guilty one, his stomach twisting as he began considering all the possibilities of what happened on the other side of the door. So he took a deep breath, and slowly walked into Ran's office.

Sanzu stood in front of Ran's desk, his arms crossed as a look of suspicion and irritation crossed is expression.

"Ran...tell me what the hell you wanted with my girl. Now."

Sanzu's tone was firm and serious, and he stared down at Ran to intimidate him into answering honestly.

"hmm? your assistant ? just asking her to join us tonight"  Ran answered nonchalant while sipping cigarette

Sanzu scoffed once, immediately able to tell that Ran was lying. There was no way that Ran would call you in just to ask you to attend some party.

"Nice try...I'm not dumb, so stop bullshitting. Tell me the actual reason, or I'll make you spill."

A dark and serious frown was plastered on his face, his voice and expression showing his irritation at being lied to.



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