➰Chapter 37➰

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Sanzu watched as you let out a sigh, waiting for your response. A part of him hoped that you would forgive him, but he also knew that it might take more than just an apology to make things right between you two.

"Say something.." Sanzu said, his voice tinged with a hint of desperation.

"im hurt, deeply" Your voice trembles.

Sanzu's heart twisted at the sound of your trembling voice, and he could feel the weight of his guilt pressing down on him even harder. He took a step closer to you, his eyes filled with remorse.

"I... I never wanted to hurt you." Sanzu said quietly, his voice strained. "I know my actions were foolish and thoughtless, and I don't blame you if you hate me for it, but... but I can't lose you."

"yes i hate you, so much. I expect you to come find me. but not at all?"

Sanzu flinched as your words stabbed through his heart. He could feel the anger and disappointment in your voice, and it only served to make him feel even more guilty. He averted his gaze, unable to meet your eyes.

"I know... I know I was a coward. I should have come to you sooner, I should have explained everything. But I didn't know how to face you after what I did."

"you.. actually have something with her? she tells me everything"

Sanzu was shocked that his personal assistant had deliberately revealed the secret that the two of them had been together that night. sanzu realized that it was a big mistake that he did but at that time he was under the influence of alcohol which made him lose consciousness.

"What? No.. No, no, no." Sanzu said, shaking his head vehemently. "She's lying. We didn't.. I mean, we were together but it wasn't like that. We just... I was drunk. I wasn't myself that night. I don't even remember what happened."

"i'm disappointed.." You feel like you want to punch his face or just throw him away. But deep inside, you still love him. How not? when you always spend time together for a half year. Plus, he's the one who saves you from Yakuza.

Sanzu felt his heart tighten with each word you said. The disappointment in your voice was like a knife twisting in his chest. He took a step closer to you, his voice filled with desperation.

"Please... Please, you have to believe me. It was a mistake. I was never interested in her, ever. She's a liar, she's just trying to ruin things between us."

"how many times..?"

Sanzu felt a pang of guilt as you questioned him, and he averted his gaze again. He knew that he couldn't lie to you, but he also didn't want to admit how many times he had cheated on you.

"Just... just that one time.." Sanzu mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper.

"i hate you! ...i wish.. but i can't.."

Sanzu felt his heart ache at your words. He hated himself for hurting you, and he knew that he deserved the hatred you felt towards him.

"I know... I know you hate me. I know I don't deserve you after what I did. But I'm selfish. I can't let you go. I need you, I need you by my side. I'll do anything, anything to make it up to you, just please... just give me a chance."

"fire her." Yes, for sure you don't want her still being his personal assistant after what happened. This is the best way.

Sanzu's eyes widened at your demand, but he didn't hesitate.

"Consider it done," Sanzu said firmly. "I'll fire her right now. She'll never come near me again, I swear I'll never even look at her again."

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