Crystal 7: To the surface! Reburcalibur!

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Last time on Kamen rider Re:Burst!

"Koff! Hugooff!! Koff!! Weee...."

In a strange looking library, a person is lying on a bed with a blanket over his body. He is seemingly sick as he continues to cough, but then his eyes spotted something infront of him, and he put up a smile.

"Ah, it's you people. Sorry, I caught a cold somehow. So I can't give out the summary from previous chapter this. But don't sorry, I have someone to substitute for me incase something unexpected happens. Kooghff! hmmhn eggh! Now then..."

The narrator claps his hands, and from the other side of the room a young woman wearing a black and white blouse enters. She's carrying a tablet with her, and looks familiar to some...

"Tsumuri, I know it's not supposed to be your debut in the story yet, but I'm glad you're willing to help an old man in need."

"Stop it, you're not that old yourself."

The young woman known as Tsumuri plead the narrator to not act like an old person. The narrator took this to his heart, as he turns sideways on his bed and clutches to his chest in sadness.

"How could you... I treated you like my own family..."

"What a drama queen... Now then..."

Tsumuri pulled the attention from the narrator to herself. Clearing up her throat, she begins to speak.

"Adventuring into the depth of Byakuryuu Lake, the two Kamen rider Reburst and Kenma found themselves in a dilemma as the dragon who safeguards the sword used by Origin Reburst in the past refuses to give it away. However, the dragon offers a dubious contract to Taiga in exchange for giving away the sword. Facing with two choices that will affects his destiny, which one is the correct choice? And which will he chose?"


"Oh man, this is a hard time. My brain is saying to accept that offer. But... My heart says otherwise. Honestly, I don't really trust this dragon that much. He's polite, but a Hakai Beast is still a Hakai Beast. I can sense his ulterior motive. Maybe I should just follow what my heart says?"

Taiga is facing a hard time. Although he had made many difficult decisions before in his life, this one will determine the possible outcome to his battle.

"I'm telling you, don't accept the contract! This dragon isn't to be trusted!"

Fuma stands true to his belief, not giving a single trust for the dragon.

"If you don't want to accept this offer, you can get out of my cave immediately. I won't pursue you. But I will forbid any of you or your friends coming here anymore."

The dragon is passively pressing Taiga to make a decision where the dragon would get the best out of the deal.

"Aaaaaaaahhh!!! My head is spinning!!!"

The pressuring from both parties is giving a bad headache for Taiga. He had never felt this tense since that one time in Indonesia. He feels as if every eyes on this world is staring down on him.

"Alright brain, don't disappoint me. Think, think, think! There is definitely a way I could get a better part out of the deal..."

He has thoughts racing through his mind, which then stops at one idea. Then, his face lights up.

"Wait, could that work? One way to find out!"

He turns his back to the dragon and he grins widely.

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