014. Fluffy

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Sometimes love happens, when you least expect it.

Sometimes it comes around, at the best times, and also the worst times.

Sometimes it's reciprocated, sometimes it's unrequited.

Sometimes it's cruel, sometimes it's kind.

And sometimes, love makes you do some crazy things.

It was the summer of 1986, and I was standing in the second row of a beautifully decorated church.

Anxiously awaiting the bride, as much as the groom was.

He cast a glance back at me, and I gave him a reassuring thumbs up, of which he seemed to appreciate.

I tried to drown out any other feelings I had, by staring solely at the glass stained windows, ears focused on the soft piano music and the idle chatter of the other wedding guests.

A suit sidled in next to me, breathless and they sighed deeply.

"She's on her way." He said, as I nodded once.

"Everything's going to plan, then." I answered, pressing my lips together.

"Still not going to say anything? Do I have to worry about you objecting?" He asked, in a low voice.

"No Steve, you don't." I answered, as he sighed.

"My best friend is getting married today." I added.

"She is. To the guy you're hopelessly in love with." He reminded me.

"And he's hopelessly in love with her. Can we not do this right now?" I asked, uncomfortable.

"Sorry, yeah." Steve said, as the music stopped and everyone turned to face the back of the church.

Me? I focused on the beautiful man at the front of the church, smart and beautiful in his tux, watching him tremble with nerves and excitement.

Wishing it was me walking down the aisle to him.
But love, a little like God, worked in mysterious ways, and it had worked in such a way that he'd never seen past my best friend, to see me.

Me, who loved him deeply.
Me, who felt like he lit up my entire universe whenever he smiled.

My best friend had won the war of love, and I, the losing party was standing here, watching them cement their commitment and their love, with a ceremony, and a marriage certificate.

She arrived, came to stand by his side, and she was a vision.

But everyone was too busy taking her in, to notice that her grooms demeanour and facial expression had suddenly, drastically changed.

He was no longer smiling.

"Somethings wrong." I whispered to Steve.

"What?" He asked, through a clenched jaw.

"Somethings off, Steve." I said, nervously.

"She's right, Steve." Dustin whispered from the pew behind us.

"Everything's fine." He urged, as I shook my head, before starting to sidle past the other guests in our row.

I just wasn't convinced.

"Hey, don't, come back." Steve hissed.

"Before we start, if you can all just look under your chairs." The groom announced.

I politely excused myself past them, before coming to a stop in the aisle behind him and my best friend, halting abruptly at his words.

It was a slight delayed reaction, preoccupied with ensuring that I didn't step on anyone as I ushered myself out of the pew.

Eddie Munson - One Shots IIWhere stories live. Discover now