012. The Runaway Pt. 1

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The world was ending around us.
Life as we knew it, was flashing past our eyes.

A was hand on my shoulder, grey and mottled, fingers gripping a strong fistful of my jacket.

That same hand dragged me forward with every sense of determination and purpose, and I was sure that my death was approaching me.

The sky was red, full of wings and movement of every creature not know of this earth, but known somewhere else.

"Eddie, Eddie don't do this..." I begged, struggling against his grip.

He said nothing, he didn't answer me.
Instead, he simply dragged me closer.

Closer towards the end.

"I'm not ready, I don't wanna die! I'm scared!" I cried.

We came to an abrupt halt; he pulled me to him roughly, and I was met with dark eyes and gritted, elongated teeth.

"Why me?!" I asked, as he growled loudly.

"Because you're the one. You're the one I need."

I turned to my friends the moment I heard that spine chilling voice, to find them all fighting their way through, fighting their way towards me.

I could see them, I could see their fear, their desperation, their determination and their fight.

Was it all going to be for nothing?

I turned to the source of the voice, Eddie turned too, before releasing me as the owner of the voice drew level with us.

I immediately stepped back, dread running cold down my spine, as I refused to meet his eyes.

"Look at me."

"No." I answered, screwing my eyes tight shut.

My breath hitched in my chest as I felt Eddie's hands again grip my jacket, as he grabbed hold of me, turning me roughly to face his master.

It hadn't always been like this.
Eddie hadn't been like this.

And I told myself in this moment, that this wasn't Eddie, this wasn't him.

I had to let that notion go, because it was influencing everything I was doing.

I had to stop telling myself he was in there, had to stop telling myself he wasn't gone.

Eddie wouldn't have done this.
Eddie wouldn't have dragged me towards my death.

He'd have ran me in the opposite direction.

I opened my eyes, meeting those familiar dark ones, and I clenched my jaw.

"You don't need any of us. You broke the world." I said, addressing Vecna.

"You're doing this, because you know just how much this will tear him up inside when this is all over." I added.

"Over? This will never be over." Vecna said.

"Oh yeah? Wanna bet?" I asked, cockily.

Eddie tightened his grip, and eyed Vecna.
I looked at him and Vecna each in turn, the panic rising in my throat.

"You know what to do." Vecna said, as Eddie's lips curled into a sinister smile.

I grappled with him immediately, fighting him, pushing his hands away but it was futile.

His hands found my throat regardless of any fight I put to him.

And he turned us strategically, and I watched out of the corner of my eye, as my friends all came to a saddening halt, watching in horror as Eddie strangled the life out of me.

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