Chapter 20

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My eyes narrowed when the muscles in his face bulged. The color of his eyes suddenly turn into pitch black. I shouldn't be happy about it because I can see that he is mad but I just can't help but to pursue my lips. I never know that he being concerned and protective to me could brought butterflies in my stomach.

His face darkened more when he saw me smiling at him. I looked around and when I saw no one around us I shifted my head and crash his lips with mine. It was supposed to be just a smack but my lips parted when he kissed me back and held my jaw stopping me from going away.

My eyes closed when he made an entrance inside my mouth. I could feel the butterflies flying inside me as he began savoring every corner of my mouth like it was his favorite candy. I was about to deepened the kiss more but Michael already ended it leaving my lips hanging in the air. He then started to make a distance with us. My lips parted in appalled can't believed of what he did.

"That's your punishment for worrying me." He uttered.

I rolled my eyes when I came back from being astonished. Did he say punishment? I crossed my arms and frowning while I seated back to the chair. Whatever! I saw a food container above my chair. I leered at him that already seated in the chair inside the room but it's little bit far from me.

"Did you brought these?" I asked as I pointed the food to him.

He quickly nodded yet maintained our distance. I frowned at him and my sight went back to the food in front of me. Punishment, huh? I grinned silently while opening the container. A green bitter gourd welcomed my eyes and one slice of fried chicken with rice in it. I lifted my eyes back to him.

"Nagluto si mama kaninang umaga kaya naisip na rin kiting pagdalhan." He mentioned while scanning me.

How sweet of him? The corner of my lips lit up trying to suppress a small smile from my mouth. It's just the right time that I  could feel my stomach growling in hunger. My face heated. I heard him chuckled after my stomach just embarrassed me in front of him.

"Thanks, Michael. Send my regards to your mom." I mouthed shyly at him.

I pick up the fork and spoon from the container. Michael on the other side were watching me silently while tasting the food his mother cooked. My eyes widened in delight when I finally savor the food. It's a mixture of bitterness and sweetness. It's so tasty also.

The next one I bite were the fried chicken. I was dumbfounded when it taste differently from any fried chicken I tasted before. And I can't believe that a food can be this delicious! The meat was stir perfectly that the tasty flavor gnawing into its flesh. I'm not even exaggerating here! I'm just having an honest review based on what my tongue had tasted on.

"Wow, your mom were so good in making these dishes." I said it while my eyes were full of adoration and admiration to his mom's skill.

"Binobola mo lang yata si mama, eh." He responded and slowly come towards me.

My eyes went around.

"I am not! I'm just saying the truth!" I groaned and raised my brows while looking at him sharply.

"I am not sure if I believe you." He shrugged and fix the food container that was on my desk after I finished eating.

He fix it one by one. From the bone of the fried, a litte piece of rice that scattered all over the armchair and the utensils that I used. He is the one who fix all of that like he was already used to it. I waited him to finish fixing before I speak out when he finished I immediately spoke.

"Then, don't. I'm not forcing you." I acted out and quickly turned back at him.

I lifted him an eyebrow when he turned around from the other side to meet my eyes. I snorted and avoided him again like the wind in front of me. However I was shocked by what he did next which gave me goosebumps. He'd licked suddenly the side of my lips and smirked at me when he found me astonished.

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