Date Pt.3

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"Y/N, never underestimate me." Sarah says with a smirk.

"Yes ma'am!" You joke.

Next thing you know Sarah laces her arm with yours and pulls you towards the door. Completely ignoring the line. Which got you two a few name calls, and stares. But Sarah didn't seem to care so you just brushed it off.

"Hey Wes!" Sarah yells to the bouncer at the front of the club.

"Sarah! GET YOUR ASS IN THERE." The tall man yelled before allowing you to go through.

You and Sarah walked inside. She pulls you over to the side bar and sat down.

"What can I get you ladies?" The bartender asks.

"Tequila shots!" Sarah said excitedly.

"No way!" You tell.

"Why not!? You aren't a lightweight are you?" She asked.

"Maybe.." You say shyly.

"Well, Ill take care of you!" Sarah says and nods to the bartender.

"Your going take care of me huh?" You questioned with a smirk.

"Sure am! Now drink up." She says handing you a shot.

"Fine" You say giving in.
You down your first shot of the night. Feeling the alcohol tingle as it goes down your throat.

"Nothing like a good shot of tequila!" Sarah says with a smile as she goes for another.

"How many are we drinking?" You ask.

"Till you can't take another."

"Keep em' coming then!" You say with a smirk. Almost trying to impress Sarah.

"Thats what im talking about!"
(9th shot later)

"I'd s-say im a litt-le d-drunk." You hiccup out.

"I'd say your right. Do you want another?" Sarah asks.

"Mhmm.. H-How about some-thing else?" You ask.

"What do you want then?" She asks.

"UUUUh... Uh.. I-I d-don't knoooow." You said slurring your words now.

"Alright then.. I guess we could take vodka, or something with less alcohol." Sarah suggest and you nod you head in agreement.

"We'll take two martinis." Sarah says.

"After t-this we sho-uld d-dance." You suggest.

"Mhm.. Sure." Sarah agrees.

"Why a-are yo-u s-so beau-tiful?" You ask her drunkenly.

You can tell that caught her off guard.
"I uh.. I don't know." She says.

"Nah.. Th-ere h-aaaaas to be a reeason." You stated.

"Blame my parents then."

"I b-et th-eir h-happy you're sooooooo great, huh?" You ask.

"U-Uh I guess you can say that. Here. Drink up." She says handing you the martini.

"T-Thank y-ya' bea-utiful!"

"I wish you'd stop saying that." She states.

"Whyyyy? You are!" You say taking a sip of your drink.

"I just don't like to be called that."

"Th-that's craaaazy talk." You say.

"Not really.. Uh let's go dance now." Sarah says and stands up.

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