We Didn't, Did We?

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You started to wake up and felt your head pounding. You felt like you had been hit by a truck. You couldn't remember much from last night. You knew you were with Sarah but that was about it. You opened your eyes and noticed there was a body next to you. It was Sarah.

"Oh shit..Oh shit.." You mumbled.
Your head only seems to hurt worse when you talk. Why am I in her bed?! Why are we sleeping TOGETHER? Why am I in her shirt?!

"U-Uh.. Sarah." You whisper slightly moving her trying to wake her up. But nothing.
"Hey Sar..I-I.. please get up." You try again.

"Hmm?" She finally hums, but still doesn't open her eyes.

"I-I u-ugh don't r-remember much about last night..Did u-uh did we uh.."

"What?" You hear her say softly.

"Wake up.." You say again and she opens her eye and looks at you.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"Did.. Did we do anything last night?" You ask quickly.

"No.. Well kind of." She said.

"What do you mean kind of!?" You say.

"You kissed me a few times.. And at the club we made out." She explains.

'I made out with SARAH PAULSON AND I DONT REMEMBER?!' You think.

"Oh.. I-Im s-sorry." You stutter out, embarrassed now.

"You also called me beautiful!" Sarah jokes.

"Oh my god!" You say and cover you face with your hands as you shake you head.

"Hey, it's okay.. I knew you were just drunk." Sarah says and sits up.

"It wasn't just the alcohol speaking." You admit.

"Well, I can't say I didn't like it." She says before standing up.

You notice all she is wearing is a silky night gown.
"Oh.." You groan out.

"Are you okay?" Sarah asks as she walks over to her closet.

"Y-yeah." You say as she walks into her closet.

"I can take you home.. Or you can stay here." You hear Sarah yell.
You see her nightgown be thrown out of the closet and moment later she walks out with a striped shirt and jeans on.

"O-Oh.. Uh no I bothered you enough." You say before getting out of bed, and grabbing your dress from the floor. "Where's your bathroom? U-Uh Im going change."

"Its down the hall first door on your right, but don't you want something more comfortable?' Sarah asks.

"Im just going change and hail a cab.. I-Ill uh see you Friday."

"Oh come on! At least stay a little longer." Sarah says staring at you with those chocolate brown eyes.

"I-I guess." You say hesitantly.

"Let me get you something to wear too, so your not just in a t-shirt." Sarah says.

Sarah walks back to her closet. She comes back holding a pair of leggings and a striped shirt. Sarah walks over to you and hands you the clothes.

"Thanks.. Um.. For everything." You say before walking to the bathroom.

After getting changed you look at yourself in the mirror, and you are a mess. Your hair is going in all different directions; half way in a ponytail half not, the little makeup you did have on was gone. After taking your hair down you grabbed one of the brushes that were on the counter and smoothed out your hair the best you could. Then put it into a messy bun.

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