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"psstt" gus stuck his head into maddie's door. it was late, like 2am, but he couldn't sleep. he tried to be quiet or the nurses would get both of them in trouble.

"maddie" he said a little louder, finally getting her attention from her slumber.

"gus what, we're gonna get in trouble" maddie spoke in a hushed tone. "i'm bored" gus shrugged.

"get in here before they see you" maddie hurried him in. she was lucky, she had a private room. gus had to share with three other guys.

gus made himself comfortable in the chair in the corner meant for visitors. "when do you think they'll let us out of here?" he asked maddie.

"i'm in for another two weeks, at least" she rolled her eyes. "you aren't gonna try this shit again are you?" gus asked her.

"what do you mean?" maddie asked

"suicide" gus said blankly.

"i don't know" she answered. she hated that question. she stared soulless at the wall beside gus.

"you never think about it?" she asked to follow up

"frequently" gus said, it was true, although he'd never followed through on an attempt.

"i don't think it's ever gonna get better" maddie sounded defeated. "i just tell them what they want to hear so i can get out of here faster but nothing ever really changes" she moved to sit on the end of the hospital bed, closer to gus. she wrapped a thin cotton blanket around her shoulders to block the air conditioning that was way too cold.

"trust me, i know the feeling" gus heavily empathized.

"i really don't even know that much about you. tell me more" maddie requested

"what do you want to know?" gus asked

"favourite colour?"


"hobbies? talents?"

"are you good at it?"
"i think so"


"a dog, taz"

" what about you?" gus interrupted, spinning the conversation to her.

"blue, aquarius, i like making clothes, i think i'm good at it, single, no pets" she gave her answers in the same order.

she'd purposely snuck in asking if he was single. right now they were nothing but friends, but she wouldn't be opposed to a change.

"how many tattoos do you have?" she asked. "honestly, lost count" he told her, he'd been collecting them since he was a teenager.

"this is such a weird place. just like, are you gonna try and kill your self again? what's your favourite colour?" gus pointed out the polarity of the conversation

"it's nice to talk to someone that just gets it, don't have to dig into all the details. you know what it's all about" maddie was thankful for the blossoming friendship.

"you'll probably get out of here before me" she pointed out.

"you're okay, i guess we can hang out after you get out too or whatever" he said slightly sarcastically.

"what are we doing in here?" a nurse suddenly interrupted them

"talking" gus said casually

"if you're going to be talking it has to be in a common room. you really both need to be in bed though" she said with disapproval

"okay" maddie sighed

"common room it is i guess" gus said, having no plans of breaking up their chat.

"will they hate us if we turn the tv on?" maddie asked

"i think they hate us anyways" gus turned the tv on regardless.

the pair sat next to each other on the couch, pretending to be entertained by whatever preset channels were available playing horrible soap operas and reruns.

"do you mind if i lay down and stretch out a little? i am kind of tired" maddie asked gus

"don't have to ask" he told her

to his surprise curled up on the couch, putting her head on his lap. he was surprised but not upset, and scared to twitch a muscle and disturb her.

"they hate us anyways right?" maddie referenced his earlier comment, knowing that they would likely get in trouble soon enough.

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