chapter 3 - the text

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~ I waited for her to text me, I knew she would. She tells me everything that goes on, so I patiently waited for her to tell me about her AC not working. I sat in bed for hours, waiting for my phone to light up and eventually it did.

~ It was getting closer to the evening when she messaged me. She told me she had just gotten back from her being with Casey, working on a school project. I never understood why she always mentioned him, what makes him so special? It made me angry. I stared at the message for a good minute until I responded to her. I acted interested because I wanted her to continue talking.

~ After listening to her talk about her day, which meant her talking about Casey, she stopped talking for a bit. She told me she was going to wash up before heading to bed, so I let her. I wasn't going to argue with her, her day was probably long enough because being with Casey is already so much. Gosh I hate him. I don't understand why she's always with him and not me, why is it never me?

~ After a while, my phone lit up with messages from April. I looked over and I started to smile. It worked. She started telling me how it was super hot in her house and she didn't know why, of course I did but I wouldn't tell her that because that would ruin my plan. She talked to me for a while before she stopped saying anything at all. I assumed she went to bed, because she mentioned she was worn out from earlier. I suspected she would be, because Casey drains anyone's energy.

~ I waited for a bit to see if she would message me, or if she needed anything. After a while I went to bed, knowing my plan was in action and things were going well.

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