Ch 28 Mixers

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~ a good friend of mine in whatsapp and wattpad asked me to write a smut for her pink-princess bias, JIN-sama! So here's the part 1 of your request...

"Haaaayst... Everyone's having their own love stories being written in their book of life, while I am still here, single and lonely," Jin sighed deeply as he watch his friends enjoy the party in the bar with their girls.

"What are you saying? You had a lot of girls in the past, you already had your share, so don't say it like you were single since you were born," Yoongi looked at Jin like he was judging him. You know Yoongi, he's a straight forward guy, he would say what's in his mind out loud.

"Tch. You don't have to say it to my face again and again. Yes, I had a lot of girls before, but still there's something missing... I get lonely too you know," Jin said, quite disappointed as to why he had to get stuck with Yoongi in their VIP room while watching all the people on the dance floor having fun.

"If you get lonely, you know what to do. Just go out there and meet new 'friends', a lot of girls will go crazy when you talk to them," Yoongi said as he drunk the liquor in his glass. Jin was just annoyed so he went home ahead of everyone instead.

The next day...

"Hey! You went home yesterday without even telling us! Haaayst! This guy!" Yoongi approached Jin, pissed off because they looked for him everywhere last night only to find out from his mom that he's already sleeping in his room.

"You told me to go out and meet friends, so I went out but nothing happened, so I just decided to go home," Jin answered guiltily.

"Haaayst! I don't know anymore with you! Sometimes you're so intelligent but most of the time you're dumb," Yoongi said to Jin's face again. "But never mind that, I have the answer to your agony," he continued, making Jin's face crinkle in confusion.

"What answer are you talking about?" Jin asked.

"Don't ask, just come, okay?" Yoongi said impatiently.

After their class at 3:30, Yoongi dragged Jin to a place where a lot of people, students or professionals, go for meet ups. The restaurant is famous for holding mixers for people who are looking for possible boyfriends or girlfriends.

When they arrived at the location, a huge room was occupied by a lot of people, strangers and friends alike. There were around 5 tables placed in the room and the people were sitting around each table, already getting to know each other.

"You didn't tell me we're going to a mixer!" Jin scolded Yoongi for dragging him along. He didn't like mixers at all, for him it's just a desperate move of people who can't get into a relationship properly. It annoyed him a lot when his classmates would invite him to such occasions.

"You're complaining a lot nowadays, aren't you? Just go along, not all people here are what you think, they're not all cheap as you'd think they are," Yoongi answered with his commanding voice. Jin was silent as he followed behind Yoongi to a table where 3 girls and 1 boy were chatting together. All eyes were on Jin and Yoongi as they walk along the center of the room. They were flashing with gorgeousness that almost all the people's jaw dropped at the sight of them.

Yoongi and Jin started to chat with the strangers around them, telling their names and their hobbies, likes and dislikes and other unnecessary things you could talk about in a mixer. However, Jin was startled when a lady came in the room, she was tall and slim and has a long brown wavy hair that extended to her elbows. Jin's heart began to sting just by looking at the girl who just came in and sat with the group across their table.

"Wh-why? What is s-she doing here?" Jin mumbled unconsciously as his head started spinning around. "I'll just go to the rest room," he told Yoongi.

"Indah..." Jin spoke as he looked in the mirror by the sink, his face wet and his hair messy. His heart started to throb fast again when he heard a familiar voice outside the door, he clearly knew that voice, it's imprinted in his memories and he could never mistake it for others.

He dried his face and rushed outside the rest room and looked left and right, but he only saw a group of girls who just came out of the girls' powder room, laughing together. And there he saw the woman with a long brown wavy hair with them. It looked a lot like her... His first love... His first heart ache... And the reason why he is suffering from complete loneliness until now.

Jin couldn't make a move, he was frozen for a moment there, his mind was telling him to go after her but his body won't let him. After calming down, he went back to his seat and for the whole time, just stared at that wonderful girl, as if reminiscing some distant memories he had with her - Indah was her name.

At the same time, the girl beside Indah whispered something to her and pointed at Jin who was still staring at her. As soon as their eyes met, Indah felt a little embarrassed and worried, her heart started thumping so fast it was about to jump out of her chest. The more that Jin stares at her, the more conscious she gets and she tried to hide it, even though her face shows it all.

"You're blushing girl! That guy's hot huh? What do you think?" the other girl on Indah's side poked her cheek and chuckled at her expression.

"I- I don't know... Whatever," Indah answered and faced the other way.

"By the way Indah, could you please give me your phone number?" the guy in front of her asked and gave her his cell phone.

"W-why? What for?" Indah asked, unwilling to give her number.

"I kinda like you, is that enough reason?" the guy answered, straight forward and he even held Indah's hand and kissed it. Jin saw everything and his blood rushed up to his head. He glared at the guy with a no-one-touches-my-girl kind of aura.

Indah slapped the guy's hand which made the guy angry that he grabbed Indah by her neck and forced a kiss on her. This time, Jin was already boiling with madness and he rushed to Indah's table and punched the guy so hard in his not-so-handsome face. This created a ruckus in the room and almost all the guys were stopping Jin from completely ruining the poor guy's face as he continued landing hard punches on him. When the guy couldn't even stand anymore, Jin dragged Indah outside forcefully, gripping her hand as if telling her "I won't let you go this time".

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