Chapter 22

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Thinking all the possibilities that might happened keep me awake in the middle of the night. After my mother consciousness, he was immediately attended by a man wearing a white coat that probably a doctor. The way my mom wailing from crying it's means that my father condition were worse. I wonder how bad is it that my mother breakdown so bad—right in front of the screen where she know I'm staring at.

I sigh constantly, even my soul were awake and alive. I get off from the bed when I realize that no matter how long I close my eyes I couldn't fell asleep. I stepped forward to the window. I swing the curtains from it so I could clearly saw the darkness under the sky.

The firing stars from the above became the ring light that gives lightning around—below the sky where the people were sleeping soundly and comfortable with their beds. And there's me, adoring the stars in the midnight for giving the light despite the darkness around itself. Amidst its still chooses to provide the shining light. But what if the stars has no choice after all? That's why it's continue to provide it's purpose.

Not satisfied with what I saw, I opened the window to look at the sky more closely. An extreme wind breeze touch my skin causing me to close my eyes tightly as I opened my window. I felt the cold that it brought to my bare face. Why do I feel like that the nature silently sympathising with what I truly feel, right now? Because if is, then it's somehow comfort me from feeling blue.

I opened my eyes when I felt a sound of dried leaves falling from its trees. I glanced at the sky again, with my glinting eyes. I want to become a star also that surround the people around me with that shimmering. But how, can I? If I'm the one herself, slowly fading her light.... I lost my shine already.

My eyes slowly drooping while the professor were discussing in front. Sleeping late last night didn't help at all it just made my day worsen more. I quickly seated properly and held my head high when Ms. Margaux's voice thunder around the room.

"Are you sleeping in my class, Miss Antonio?!!" She came towards my seat and I can't look at her directly because I'm guilty.

I sigh defeated. I'll guess I'm going to receive her wrath today because I'm sleeping amidst her discussion. It doesn't have any problem to me at all if she's going to shoved me away from her class. This is not the first I didn't listen to her but it's just different today now that I'm not in a good state. She would definitely gave an extreme punishment for ruining her boring class.

"Get out! You deal with your consequences tomorrow! See you at dean's office!" She exclaimed while pointing the door beside her.

I automatically nodded to her has no time to be hardheaded and hard tempered this time. Maybe it's my own strength and body that reject that idea—the idea of talking back at her even though I know I'm at fault. I heard slow whispers and murmurs from my classmates but I didn't mind it and slowly walk towards the door without glancing at them.

I was walking around the hallway of the cm building like has no soul like a zombie from the apocalypse  My shoulders drooped as I continue stepping forward. I was looking so far that I didn't notice that I bumped into someone's chest. I lifted my head and I saw Michael's worried face. He's forehead creased but it vanished and turn into a soft expression.

"Are you okay?" He ask full of concern evident on his hoarse voice.

I stepped backward as I saw our state. If someone might see us with this condition they may conclude that were kissing because of how our faces near to each other. His eyes darted with my move. Like he wasn't liking what I did.

"Yeah." I answered shortly and was about to passed him but I stop midway when he held my hand stopping me from walking away.

The Trianah I know would be chantering happily if she's in the right mind right know but I'd just stared at him boredly waiting for him to speak. Maybe I was pretty preoccupied with what is happening in my life that I didn't have the time to be felt butterflies in my stomach at this critical moment.

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