chapter 7 : uncomfortable questions

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        It had been a month of work for the whole band. Ace was finally getting used to the daily life in the studio and was truly feeling like part of the adopted family. Though 2d sadly despite the release of the full album being months away was already stressing himself out. It certainly didn't help that fans and the media were having mixed thoughts about murdoc not being around despite that truly being something that the band can't control. Though 2d was doing his best to bottle up all his thoughts not wanting to ruin the fun of having full freedom with this album. He was supposed to be having fun.

Today was going to be Ace's first full on interview with the rest of the band. Ace was both excited to do his first interview but was also slightly nervous having no idea what questions that the interviewer would choose to ask. He had put on some genuinely decent clothes not wanting to look like a slob in front of all the cameras and lights. He even took time to clean up the lenses on his sunglasses wanting to look his best. Ace would patiently wait at the dining table with Russell and noodle waiting for 2d to get downstairs. All three of them were eating a fairly quick breakfast of oatmeal and toast, at least wanting something in their stomachs before they went to the two hour interview. There wasn't really any talking due to the band not wanting to accidentally be late for the fairly early interview. 

      After a couple minutes 2d would make his way downstairs . Before anyone could greet him he would speed walk into the kitchen grabbing an energy drink from the fridge and chugging the caffeine filled beverage like he was in some sort of drinking competition. Noodle without saying a single word would show slight worry for her brother on her face. 2d's normal love for peppermint tea was being swallowed up by a horrid addiction to energy drinks. She hadn't seen her brother take time to drink his tea in a solid two weeks. Even when she offered to go get him a drink from starbucks he would only get coffee only caring about the caffeine and not the taste. It greatly worried not only noodle but ace and russell too as it certainly wasn't 2d's normal behavior.

After 2d finished his liquid breakfast he would finally acknowledge the others. " morning. "Russell would force his worries down for his adopted son as he forced a smile on his face. " morning 2d. Do you want some food before we leave? " 2d would shake his head as he would tuck in his button up shirt fully. "I'm good russell. I need to get a couple things done before we leave. " before Russell or anyone else could respond 2d would grab another energy drink and head back upstairs unintentionally ignoring noodle and ace. 

         As 2d fully went upstairs, Ace would glance to noodle and russell in genuine worry for 2d's health. " is he normally like this when you guys have made albums before with murdoc? " Noodle was very quick to shake her head as she went to put her and Russell's dishes away. " he has never gotten this bad. Sure he's gotten slightly agitated before and nervous but he isn't even letting himself enjoy things he loves...he hasn't played video games, watched movies, or even drank his tea in a solid two weeks....he isnt letting himself rest. " that would make ace frown...he didn't like knowing that 2d was just blatantly ignoring himself mentally. Russell sighed as he would take Ace's dishes too. " Let's just leave it alone for now. Maybe after the interview we can talk with 2d about this. " Despite noodle and ace not wanting to do that mentally...russell was right. the two would get up going to get anything they were going to need for the interview.

After a couple minutes the four would make it into the car. The car besides the humming noises of the engine and the tires going down the road was completely silent. 2d wasn't even letting this moment be relaxing for himself. He was silently concentrating on finishing editing on a recorded song on his phone. Despite Ace wanting to remind 2d that he should be letting himself slightly relax before an interview he didn't want to accidentally ruin 2d's concentration. Noodle and Russell would just sit in uncomfortable silence not knowing what to talk about at this point despite wanting to slightly lighten up the tense emotions filling the car. 

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