chapter 8 : Pep talk

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          The drive back to the studio had been even more silent than the drive to the interview. The horrid interview had truly put the whole band in a funk. Ace was bottling up everything else he truly wanted to yell at that piece of shit. Sure he had known that some interviews would try to pry for more personal information.... But chip being so fucking adament about learning about murdoc and 2d's personal business....absoutely pissed ace off to no end. It wasn't his damn business to be snooping at.

2d's built up confidence that he had for not only the interview but for the album had been completely drained from him. His cheerful and happy white eyes now completely back to the numb black as he looked at his hands chipping the freshly painted polish off as he listened to his rather depressing and heartbreaking thoughts. Maybe agreeing to be the leader was a bad idea ...murdoc at least could handle more sensitive questions...he was completely useless and just broke down while letting chip take fire at ace....he should just give up on this album... without murdoc it wouldn't be...any good.

 Finally the band would get home. The four still kept silent as they walked into the house. They all would begin to head to their rooms as the home phone in the kitchen began to ring. Everyone would pause their actions as they glanced over. That phone rarely ever rang. Most of the time calls would just go to everyone's cell phones if it was important enough. After another chime the voicemail on the phone would play before a familiar voice would come through. " hey you lot. I don't know if you're home from the interview yet but I wanted to check in on you all. I've missed you all... "

It was murdoc. He hasn't tried to get a hold of the band till now. Noodle would bolt it to the phone not wanting her uncle to hang up. She honestly needed to hear his friendly voice after that hell of an interview. She would answer the phone as she slightly catches her breath. " Hi uncle murdoc. Where all home. " Murdoc seemed glad that noodle picked up. "Hey there kiddo. How was the interview? Did stu do well? " Noodle would slightly frown...despite not wanting to break her uncle's happy spirit on the phone, let alone wasting his limited time with bad news...they all honestly needed to get this shit off their chests. 

        Noodle would give a slightly sad sigh as the other three had made their way to the dining table to listen to noodle talk to murdoc. " The interview went really bad. The interviewer was really pushy...he ended up making 2d break down and we refused to stay after he insulted the bassist we found to help the band. " Murdoc would listen to his niece. Despite wanting to genuinely talk to her more...knowing that 2d wasn't in good shape at all...murdoc sighed. " Kiddo, I'll call you back to chat later. Can you please hand the phone to stu? We both need to talk in privacy. "

Despite not wanting to lose a chance to talk to her uncle...noodle knows that murdoc would keep the promise to call her later. Noodle would put her hand over the receiver as he looked to 2d. " 2d murdoc wants to talk to you. " 2d would glance up...despite not wanting to really talk at all right now...he also didn't want to feel like more of a failure due to making murdoc waste his minutes....he simply quietly nods as he walks to the phone and gently takes it from his sister. Noodle would motion to ace and russell as she quietly spoke. " murdoc wants to talk to 2d alone. "Ace and Russell simply nod as Russell goes into the recording studio to do some cleaning while noodle and ace head to their bedrooms to try to relax their negative lingering emotions.

 2d would put his ear to the receiver as he sighed. " hi murdoc..." murdoc could hear how mentally drained 2d was. He didn't even have to see the singer to know how badly the interview had hurt his confidence. " Hey there, stu. Noodle told me about the interview. What did the prick do? " despite 2d not wanting to rip the bandage off the still fairly fresh wound...he couldnt keep it hidden. " he was trying to pry about why your in prison...and he wouldnt fucking stop...he just kept on prying and prying...i couldnt keep it together...i-i'm so sorry murdoc....i'm a f-fucking failure as a l-leader..."

Murdoc would frown as he listened to 2d getting choked up on the phone. That bloody interviewer was lucky that he was behind bars...nobody is allowed to fuck with his family like that and get away with it if he's around to stop it. Though despite wanting to let his rage out ... .murdoc would take a deep breath. His only task now was to calm 2d down, not needing him to mentally crumble this early during the album that he knows that the singer had been so excited for before. " Stu, listen to me right now. Take a deep breath with me alright? " despite 2d being overwhelmed right now with his mind...he forced himself to listen to murdoc's words and block everything else out. He takes a deep breath as he can hear Murdoc do the same on the phone. After a couple seconds 2d could hear murdoc let the breath out making 2d do the same. " Alright, stu. Don't listen to your thoughts. I know it's hard but just pay attention to my voice alright? " 2d would take another deep breath. " a-alright..." 

      Murdoc would continue as he himself blocked out the noises around him in the cement walls of the prison. " i know how you feel stu....being the leader of a band is bloody terrifying and scary sometimes...and sometimes you will feel like a fucking's very...normal sadly. But I know you ... I know we both are at each other's throats sometimes...but we are also family...we have known each other for over a decade ... .and i know can be a good leader stu...your confidence and knowledge about music is bloody amazing. I know you can do this even without me around stu. "

2d would quietly take in murdoc's words. Despite the incident that got these two in this situation ... ... ..and knowing the shit he and murdoc went through only a couple years ago before this.....he knew that murdoc was being genuine. He was being his honest self. 2d would slightly wipe the tears off his face as he was comforted by his friend's words on the phone. " t-thanks murdoc....i really n-needed this. " 

     Murdoc would give a bittersweet smile as he would glance at the clock on the prison wall. He only had about five minutes left on the phone. He could also hear the other prisoners becoming impatient as they waited to use the phones. Murdoc would finish off him and 2d's conversation with a simple request. " stu i want you to promise me one thing. I want you to promise me that you'll call me back if you or the others need me ok? " 2d would simply nod as the rest of his tears dry up. " alright mudz.... I promise. " Murdoc would sigh as he would say bye to 2d. "I'll talk to you later stu. "Stu would say his bye back as he would hang up the phone on murdoc.

Murdoc would be brought back to his cell by a guard. He would sigh sitting on his bed waiting for the guard to leave before he pulled out some contraband of a half gone pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He would pop a cigarette in his mouth as he lit it and walked to the barred up window of his cell smoking as he muttered to himself. " make me proud stu ... .be the leader i know you can be. " 

The bassist and the singer ( a 2dace story)Where stories live. Discover now