chapter 4 : Lunch break

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        After about ten minutes or so of the band trying to figure out where to get lunch they all finally agree on pizza hut. The pizza place still had its sports bar and a salad bar so the band could enjoy a few beers. Russell agrees to be the one who stays sober not needing the other three to attempt to drive while tipsy. The four walk in before being guided by the person at the front desk to a booth big enough for the band. They order a large all meat pizza and a sharable pint of beer while Russell simply just orders a soda.

As the band waits for the beer and pizza noodle, and russell walk to the salad bar to get an appetizer. 2d would be on his phone. Despite being here to relax 2d was still quite the workaholic. He was currently silently working on editing the new music video. Ace, despite pretending to just be watching whatever football game was playing on the tv above the bar was still silently admiring 2d. Though he did feel sad seeing how much 2d overworked himself even when the band was trying to relax. 

      After a couple agonizing minutes of silence, Ace would slightly clear his throat just enough to get 2d's attention. 2d would look up from his phone and to ace confused. Ace sighed. " 2d pal i know you're a busy guy but.... We're here to have fun. I know I can't make you change your choices but.....maybe you should relax look tired."

Despite 2d's mind wanting to just continue....he knew that ace was correct. He forces himself to put his phone away in his short's pocket. He looked to ace feeling the need to apologize despite not really having a reason to do so. " I'm sorry about that ace....i'm just.....still overwhelmed by.....everything ...sure I love this job ...but's just ...definitely taxing on me mentally-'' Ace would cut 2d off shaking his head. " you have no reason to apologize 2d. I understand that you're overwhelmed ... .but ... .if you continue to overwork yourself ... .you'll eventually need to let your mind rest 2d."

2d would just let Ace's comforting words in his mind allowing them to sit there before he speaks. Despite at first being hesitant about letting Ace in the band....he honestly was glad to have someone who unlike murdoc was willing to comfort him and just not continuously expect him to be in working order physically or mentally. 2d slightly smiled at Ace giving a simple thank you to the understanding bassist. " Thank you for your kind words, Ace ... .I really needed your words. "Ace simply nodded, giving 2d a smile back as noodle and Russell walked back to the booth with plates and a big bowl of salad for the whole band to munch on while waiting for the pizza. 

       2d would use the provided tongs to pick up some of the salad and start eating. The band honestly didn't remember the last time they had sat in a restaurant and just ate together. Normally they were all quite busy ... .but these moments were always amazing. Just being able to enjoy each other's company while they eat and have a good time not having to worry about work temporarily. All the band eat some salad before a waiter brings over their drinks and the fresh and amazing smelling pizza.

Noodle is the first one to absolutely go after the pizza grabbing the biggest slice on the tray. She quickly uses a cup of ranch from the salad bar to absolutely drench the poor pizza in it. Russell would slightly chuckle watching noodle drown the slice in the waterfall of ranch. " noodle you're just having ranch with a side of pizza!" 2d and Ace also chuckle while watching noodle being absolutely ridiculous with the ranch. After sufficiently making the pizza disappear under the dressing, noodle finally takes a giant bite of the poor pizza, getting her face all messy and absolutely ruining any lipstick she had on. The whole band is in a fit of laughter while noodle cleans up her face.

Everyone else would grab some pizza. Unlike noodle the others at least weren't as heavy on the ranch or where just eating the pizza plain and by itself. Noodle, 2d , and ace also drink at the shared pint of beer, being careful with how much they drink just so someone doesn't end up vomiting up lunch onto the table. Russell is also of course being a good father figure and making sure none of the three get themselves absolutely wasted. 

      After finishing the delicious lunch the band now would just spend the time chit chatting with each other. Noodle was quite the light weight with alcohol so her face is absolutely plastered in blush. Noodle without even trying to embarrass Ace would suddenly let Ace's secret from earlier slip out. " hey 2d. You should ask Ace how he really feels about your outfit." 2d would glance to ace slightly confused. 2d wasn't fully drunk yet, only a bit tipsy since his body was much more used to alcohol. Ace's face would blow up in blush at noodle's drunk comment. 2d would notice and now was even more and ace have only known each other for a month at the most ... .. there's no way that ace could have a crush on him....right?

Ace simply sat there dead silent for a couple minutes. The alcohol was certainly not helping him stay quite let alone hide his flustered face. Russell would glance to noodle wondering if she knew more than him and 2d. Before 2d could try to get the answer out of ace he quickly forces himself to stand up making an excuse to get away from the table. " I'll be back. I need the bathroom.'' Ace quickly walks off as 2d watches Ace in pure bewilderment now wanting answers on what the hell was going on. 

      2d quickly moves his glance to noodle who was trying to drink more beer despite russell taking it away from her knowing she doesn't need more beer after that comment. 2d knew that noodle wasn't good at keeping secrets when drunk due to past experiences. He would question noodle as Russell temporarily leaves to get rid of the beer knowing the other three have certainly had enough. " What is ace hiding noodle?" noodle right away would answer not being subtle at all. " he has a crush on you 2dddddd-that's why he got distracted. He couldn't take his eyes off of youuuu."

2d would blush a bit hearing noodle spit out the truth. 2d honestly ... .was unsure on how to feel about it ... ..sure he didn't mind Ace having a crush on him but.....2d also ... ..wasn't a super romantic person...his ex-girlfriend had pretty much ruined him having trust in a romantic partner a long time ago. 2d would sit there in silence trying to figure out his feelings...before forcing himself up. 2d glanced at Russell as he came back to the table. " I'll be back russell...I need to go talk with ace....just make sure that Noodle doesn't do anything dumb and doesn't make herself sick." Russell nods to 2d as 2d gets up from the booth knowing him and Ace need to talk. 

The bassist and the singer ( a 2dace story)Where stories live. Discover now