Chapter 2- Courage

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"Fuck you",I screamed and shorted as pain shot through my body.

My fathers hand raced across my face which I'm sure would leave a nasty mark later on.Yes my father was abusive and I know I shouldn't handle it but I had to,I couldn't turn my back on him and tell the police because the abuse would just get worse.I awoke a monster.My father began to hit me and I felt he pain I never felt before,1 hit to the head and I was out like a light.

I awoke to the bright room and noticed I was still in my room but I didn't have one thing,my pride.I looked down at my naked body that was only covered by a white sheet.I began to sit up and shooting pain ran through my body and I noticed my body was bruised.I burst into tears and couldn't handle the misery that monster put me through.I got up slowly and began to walk to my closet with my body wrapped in a blanket until I got clothes.I walked over to my closet and looked through my clothes when I felt a breath on the back of my neck.My breathing increase and my heart began to pound harder.It was him.

"Now you know the drill,you behave and never speak to anyone you don't get hurt." As he spoke I felt his hand attempt to remove the blanket from my body.I fumbled and he grabbed my hands with a firm grip making the blanket fall down.I was begging for something inside of him to change and not be harsh for once but that was short lived.He drug me to the mirror in my room

"Look at you,you fat pig.I can't believe you aren't ashamed of yourself." With the harsh words spoken he threw me to the floor and then finally he left.I stared in the mirror looking at my face and my wrist,they were bruised it made me look ugly.

That's when I decided I need to go to the police.I couldn't handle it anymore,he broke me and I needed to get my old self back.I stormed to my closet and grabbed sweatpants,a bra,and some sweatpants.I dressed myself glancing at the mirror,the bruises on my face still showed.I reached for makeup but then I realized that the bruises were evidence to the police that he had been abusing me.I was finally gaining some courage.I grabbed my phone and took a deep breath as I opened my bedroom door.I walked slowly down the stairs to the long hallway that seemed even longer than it normally did.I walked and as I passed the living room and was a foot away from the front door I thought I made it.I could do this,that was until I felt my fathers hand be placed on my shoulder.My body was turned around and I closed my eyes not wanting to look the monster in the eyes,I didn't see the hit coming but I felt the pain as I was falling back to the floor.I had to get away there was no backing out now.I felt another punch and finally I fought back.My leg punched him in the stomach area which was enough force to get him off and away from me.I pushed myself up and ran as fast as I could.Before long I realized my dad put a tracking bug into my phone so I threw it in the forest that was near me and ran even faster to the police station.I heard footsteps run behind me and u couldn't give up now,I had to keep going even though u felt like I could just fall down and give up.The police station was in view now and I felt happiness that I hadn't felt in forever since my fathers abuse began.I already lost my mother from him I'm not about to let him take myself away.My hand was on the door of the police station and I pulled it open,I met my freedom.I went to the front desk and began to talk.

"I need to talk to an officer."

"Okay Miss what's your name?"


"Okay Bethany I need you to fill this form out for me."

"I don't have time for that,he's coming."

I heard a door open and a police officer came out looking at me.

"Well Bethany we don't have any officers available and I need this form to be filled out."

"If I don't get help he'll hurt me again."

The police officer walked over to me and spoke,"Come back with me I'm available I can interview you now."As he finished his sentence my father walked in panting.His eyes turned cold and shot me a death look and fear instantly over took me.

My father spoke,"Beth what are you doing here?Ive been looking for you.God don't scare me like that.Come on let's go."

Then it was my turn to speak,"No.Dont act innocent,you made this bruises on my face,you took my virginity,you took my pride and murdered it,you insulted me to the point where I hated myself,and you murdered my mother.Your drunk ass admitted that."

The police officer took my back to a secure room and called on a phone to have my father put in a holding cell until the interview was over.

"Officer you have to help me,if he gets out he'll kill me like he killed my mother and he'll abuse me even worse.Please help." As I said that tears rolled down my face,this monster caused so much damage.

"I'll do everything in my power to help you,but first I have to know everything.And if your over 18 then we can press charges to put him in jail.If you don't press charges he'll be a freeman."

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