{The Experimented SAGA} "He is back" [2]

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Whilst the little ones played in the back the adults were wary about every word they spoke...
"I'm afraid that Dr Lotoby is back" 
"What do you mean he's back?? Didn't you banish him?" Elizabeth's mother spoke as the captain of the Time Warriors shook his head 
"I'm afraid he was able to escape confinement, Sasha" He whispered softly as he looked at her "if he is back, he might try to revive Arkua" 
"A...Arkua? You can't mean you really think he'll try that dangerous stunt again do you?" Sasha whispered as he nodded 
"You and I are very aware that he is one mad scientist, if he has figured a way to revive the Goddess of Paradoxes without being effected he will likely take the risk" he whispered as Sasha was really worried....
If he does anything they could be at risk....
The captain nodded as he stood up
"Me and my troops will be heading out of orbit later to do our plans at a planet where we can safely train. I'm afraid we cannot stay on Earth for too much longer" 
"Oh, I see" Sasha whispered softly as he would sigh
"I am very sorry, especially for your daughter, she's definitely gotten really close to her" 
"I know...." Sasha whispered softly...
Sasha would walk outside to try to find them as she walked to the back of the woods, which was Elizabeth's favorite place to play at...
She saw the two play as the Captain was behind her 
"Lola! It's a code red, we have to go!"
He felt bad for making them separate, especially since they likely won't see the family again for a really long time....
Lola was a bit sad as she knew that meant they had to leave for a really long time again....
Elizabeth looked up at Lola as she also knew what they meant...
But she's just got here...
Lola would hug Elizabeth softly as she kissed her forehead 
"Domt worry, I'll be back someday little sis, just promise me you'll stay strong for me" she whispered...
Elizabeth got emotional when she heard the one person she looked up to the most call her little sis as she hugged her softly, crying into her arms
"I will big sis!...Don't worry about me" she whispered softly as Lola nodded...
Walking by her father's side as she waved her hand "farewell! It was a pleasure to have been your friend after all these years..." she said as her and her father went off their separate ways, away from them, again.....

Elizabeth ran to her mom as she hugged her....
Sasha hugged back as her and Elizabeth made it back to the house...

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