{The Experimented SAGA} "What you TRULY want" [3]

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It had been years since Lola and her father left as Sasha was doing a lot of research, using artifacts and other books to find out more of the force that The Time Warriors are after...
Whoa, there was so much on Arkua she didn't even know about....
She sat at the shrine that she was able to find through the passage in the book....


[Translation: She is considered one of the most dangerous goddesses, but she cannot exist without first imbuing a body with the blood of a time warrior with her spirit. In the past she used their bodies to wreak havoc for fun.]
Sasha couldn't help but become more fascinated as she was about to head back to her house...
She would hear a deep chuckle as it spoke out to her....
"Fancy meeting you here at the shrine, darling"

"D...Dr Lotoby?!" Sasha panicked as she backed away... 
It can't be him! Sasha panted heavily...
She's dreaming...
He can't actually....
"Oh yes, Darling, I am here" he whispered in a deep voice as she looked up at him
"But you...I mean...They....Took you from us....And you were gone..." She whispered softly as he walked to her, placing his hand on her cheek as he cooed at her
"Oh no, no... Darling, you should know I don't give up so easily" he whispered as he chuckled lowly, feeling her hug him tightly 
"I...Missed you so much...." 
"I missed you too, darling" he whispered lowly....
Sasha held onto him as he smirked..
He knew exactly what he can do....
He looked back at the shrine a bit, with a crazed look...
He needed a vessel to experiment on, a vessel to have a good taste of Arkua's dark powers to determine which Time Warrior he can strike down for her main body....
"Elizabeth still lives with you right?...~" 
"Y...Yes...Why do you ask?..." 

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