{The Experimented SAGA} "A messed up Reunion, True colors combine" [4]

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He spoke softly as he looked at her, his hand would slowly and softly slide across her cheek as his chapped yet delicate lips were inches away from her softer ones...
"Shh... we need a vessel to test out or dear Goddesses powers..." he whispered as she felt her breathing get a little heavier....
"I...Can we?..." she whispered softly as he got closer
"We can, of we do this, maybe she can fight them off for us, and we won't ever be separated again...." 
Sasha's heart pounded at the idea...
She remembered the days that she would work for him as his assistant for years, she was like his loyal pet in a way....
He treated her so well, amd then one day they really got connected and they conceived Elizabeth...
Still to this day they don't know who Elizabeth's father is....
She looked at him...
"Y...You mean it?...."
"Why, of course I mean it darling, I'd do anything to be with you forever and ever again" he whispered as Sasha hugged him
"If that is what we need to do to be together again, then I am willing to take that risk, my love" Sasha whispered as he hugged her back
"Then let's commence the plan, my love" he whispered....
They would then pull away from the sickenly loving embrace as they walked around the shrine to find the hidden temple, to find the things that they needed....
It took several minutes but they found the hidden temple which was filled with dangerous traps, laced with dark powers that is completely beyond that of a humans understanding...
Though, Dr Lotoby is a smart man amd already predicted hat this wasn't going to be easy as he brought things to shield them from the darkness of her malicious spirit....
As they got deeper and deeper down the stairs they found a lonesome book that was only occupied by amethysts, seven of them as well....
They got to the end as the amethysts were glowing a ghastly purple...
Wait, are these the amethysts that hold her very powers and spirit?....

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