{The Experimented SAGA FINALE} "Lola Fights the Paradox" [6]

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Lola panted heavily as she gripped her world, glaring daggers at the monster in front of her.....
The Paradox would rush her down, using various, furious with Lola and the others for constantly hunting her down as Lola would block all of her attacks before being striked at the face...
Lola spat out blood as she jumped back....
How on earth was Arkua freed?? 
I mean, the others did tell her that the Marine family freed her... years back, she refused to believe that though since her and her father has known them for years now and she doesn't think they would do that....
Dr Lotoby she understood but Sasha was such a sweet woman....
A good mother too....
Lola was completely snapped out of her daze as Arkua nearly struck her hard in her chest....
Shit that was close....
Arkua's very existence was already causing some problems as Lola and Arkua glared each other down.....
Soon their fight would reach closer to a town in which Lola tried her best to keep her away from the people down there, blasting her up towards the sky to keep her as far away from the ground as she could.....
Some people from down of the town of Soleanna couldn't help but watch in fear and aw as the others below would flee.
Lola called out for an attack 
"Thousands of Arrows!!!" [Reference]
Arkua called out for an attack as well as she grinned wickedly 
"Darkness Arrows!!" 
The arrows they summoned with their powers clashed as they then moved back to combat, Lola kicked her chin as Arkua growled loudly, returning the pain by headbutting Lola in the face....
Lola backed away in pain as she held her own...
Summoning her sword back to her hand as she lunged to her 
"I really didn't want it to come to this... Onward Slash!!!" She called out as she put all of her energy into the sword to make some sort of sword beam [heh, another reference]

Arkua was struck as she fell victim to the attack....
Although, what Lola didn't know was that "killing" the Paradox is what caused the effects...
Arkua can't be killed and can only be sealed.....
Everything faded to white....
"Wh..What's going on?"


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