{Paradox SAGA} "The Forbidden Timeline" [9]

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Lola would walk around the grounds of the destination that the other Time Warriors had told her to head to...
She looked around as she had her leather jacket wrapped around her....
If this wasn't a business trip this would be a great place to wind down...
Lola shook her head... Focus....
Lola pulled out her watch which seemed to be displaying a completely different timeline in general....
Did she accidentally create a new one when she had killed Arkua?....
Lola walked around more as she heighten her senses...
Oh yeah, Arkua is here somewhere, which is strange since while she can sense her really close she can't find her at all....
As she was there she would see a group of people talking...
They spoke of some sort of festival that would be approaching soon, too bad she won't be able to go there with the stakes so high....
The watch had a ghastly aura to it as it had a reaction to the events currently....
Lola looked down...
Wait, something as little as a festival going on wasn't supposed to happen?...
Something doesn't add up, something else is at play here and she doesn't even have a clue....
D..Did something happen here before?....
The Time Warriors spoke to her of something before, an event so bad they had to completely reset that timeline as they were close to having the world completely erased....
It then struck her.....
That means....
Soleanna, this world...
"FUCK!!!!" Lola was usually good at remaining calm...
But this is different.....

If the festival is being spoken of then Project Solaris has failed, and Mephiles is bound to destroy them all...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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