
114 9 44

(Please complete the payment of the judges your name is under and the ones not written here will be judged by me)

@AthenaPersephone9 (payment-5 chapters of the book The Infernal Chronicles(Demons), at least one meaningful comment on each Chapter, only actual chapters, not bonus features before chapters)          Judging-

@huykage : The Ungodly Usurper

@Danniella331 :HEAVEN AND HELL

@alpaljames :  Slate Gray

@IredescentRose : The Incandescent

@Watts_Writes : Shadow Touched

@sukytae (payment-5 chapters of the book Her Purpose, leave a meaningful comment on each)  Judging-

@TheAnimalHouse : Willow Island

@CarolineHallonback : The Fenrir saga

@reindrkvrse : Falling Mystical

@BellOfSilence : VAESEN - The Ruins of the World

@ElysiaLarch : The Brightest Shadow

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