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Everything felt like hell for the bluenette. The only thing she could feel was pain.

She slowly began to open her see to look around . It took her a moment to realize she wasn't in the Holte room.

Her heart stop when she realized she didn't know were she was. She quickly sat up and out a groan when she felt a sharp pain in her side.

She shut her eyes tight before letting out a little scream. When she did Adrien came out of the bedroom to check on her.

"Princess are you ok?"

He said while running over to her. He quickly grabbed a water bottle from the table and also so strong pain killers.

Adrien - Here take this.

After he said that Marinette open her eyes to look at him. Adrien open up the water bottle and also the pain kills.

He handed her 1 and watch her take it before grabbing the water bottle and drinking it.

Adrien rub circles around her back the whole time. Marinette hummed before pulling the water away from her mouth. 

Marinette - W..were am I?

Adrien - Your at my house. 

Marinette - Where's Emma?

Adrien - She's in her room.

Marinette - Is she ok? Was she hurt?

Adrien shook his head " No She's wasn't hurt, she fine."

Marinette let out a sigh before looking down at herself.  She wasn't wearing the clothes from last night. She was dressed in some of Adrien old clothes. She also had bandages wrapped around her body. 

Marinette - Did you do this?

Adrien - I clean you up but I had my personal Doctor to come in and fix you up.

Marinette - Thank you.

Adrien - Of course my love. I'm just happy that your a live and ok. Now I need you to tell me that happened last night.

Marinette sigh before rubbing her head. " I remember that I was about to go to sleep until I heard a knock at the door. I thought it was you, when I opened up the door it wasn't you instead it was a man. He pushed me aside and forced himself into the room."

She stop for a moment to let out another sigh. Tears slowly began falling for her eyes when she Started reminding more details. 

Adrien climb onto the bed and grabbed her hand.

Adrien - Marinette you don't have to tell me any more if you don't want to.

Marinette - No...No I'm ok.

After she said that she continued telling him everything that happened. Adrien just listened to her the whole time. Hearing everything the man did to her drove him insane. 

He need to hurt someone, he need to let all of his anger out. He only calm down when she began crying more.

Adrien reach out and pulled her into a tight hug.

Adrien - I'm so sorry Marinette fuck I'm sorry.  I promise I'll never let anyone ever hurt you again. Everyone who are involved with my father will pay I promise. 

Marinette nodded her head on his chest while he kissed her head. The pain kills that he gave her made her feel a lot better.

She slowly sat up and began wiping her tears away. "Adrien I want to see my baby"

He nodded his head and got up from the bed. He slowly help her off of the bed and walked with her to the door.

Marinette - Wow this room is so enormous.

Adrien - Yeah this is me and your room now.

Marinette - Is it safe for me and Emma to stay here?

Adrien - Yes I just updated my whole house. Nobody is getting in here, I also up my security as well.

Marinette nodded her head while Adrien walked her down the hallway. Marinette was so amazed at how beautiful the design were. The house was so beautiful.

They stop walking down the hallway and stop at a door.

Adrien - Your going to love her room.

Marinette - You fixed it up?

Adrien - You know it. I told you that I was going to fix up a room for Emma.

After he said that he opened up the door to reveal a beautiful room. Marinette mouth drop when she seen it. She couldn't believe that the room was actually her daughter. A few more tears fell down her faces while she looked around.

Marinette - Adrien this is so beautiful oh my gosh thank you.

Adrien - You don't have to thank me it's my job as a father to provide my child with everything she needs.

After he said that he slowly walked with her into Emma room. They both walked over to her bed and sat down. 

Marinette smiled and slowly began to rub her head. Slowly Emma began to wake up and look around. 

Emma - Mommy?

Marinette - Yes baby?

Emma sat up from her bed and slowly crawl over to her. Marinette picked her up and sat her on her lap before kissing her head.

Marinette - Good Morning baby. 

Emma - Morning Mommy.

Marinette - Did you sleep good?

Emma - Yeah.

After she said that Emma sat up to look at her. "Mommy are you ok?"

Marinette - Yes Emma I'm ok.

Emma - Are you sure?

Marinette - Yeah your daddy took care of me.

Emma smiled at her before laying her head on her chest.

Adrien - What do you guys what for breakfast?

Marinette - It don't matter.

Adrien nodded his head before getting up and leaving the room. While walking down the hallway Adrien pulled his phone out.

He opened it up to call someone that he knew he can trust. 

Adrien - Hi Natalie I need your help I'll explain everything later I just need to know if you can get any footage from (Name of Hotel)......alright thank you.

After he said that he hung the phone up. The one thing that he noticed from last night that nobody was in the Holte.  It was completely empty when he got their.

It made him wonder if there was more than one person involved in the situation.

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