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The whole time Adrien was driving back to his house he felt like he was going to throw up.

He was so fucking pissed at himself.  He couldn't believe that he was so stupid to leave Marinette and Emma alone. 

He hated himself for prioritizing having fun with his fake friends than were shit.

Emma was in the back playing on his phone. At first she wouldn't stop crying because she was scared that the man was going to come for them again. 

Adrien had to let her know that he was with her and that he wouldn't let anyone hurt her.

He had to keep checking on Marinette to make sure she was ok. He had stop by the store to by Emma whatever she wanted and to also buy some water amd wipes for Marinette. 

She had so much blood on her face. When he was done cleaning all the blood off her he could see all the bruise the man left on her.

When they arrived to his House Emma let out a loud gasped.

Emma - Daddy you live in a Castle!!!

Adrien - I know right come on.

After he said that Emma opened up her door. Adrien got out as well and walked around the car to opened Marinette door.

He carefully picked her up and closed the door before walking over towards his front door.

In order for anyone to get in his house they had to have a face ID. He installed it 2 weeks ago. 

Emma - Wow!

Adrien - Cool right?

Emma - Yeah can I try?

Adrien - I have to put your face ID in first love.

Emma said ok before the door to the house opened. When they entered the house her eyes winden. 

Adrien - Follow me Emma ok?

Emma said ok before following behind him. Adrien walked over towards the elevator and waited for it to open up. 

When they stepped inside Adrien pressed the button to the top floor.  Emma was having fun looking around the huge house. 

Adrien first took Marinette to his bed room. He was going to have his personal Doctor come over to check her out. He needed to make sure she was ok.

Adrien Room

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Adrien Room

After sitting her down on the bed he picked Emma up and walk her to her new room.

Adrien - Emma do you remember when I told you that one day you will have your own room?

Emma - Yeah.

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