Chapter 1: Decision

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Hi! It's been a few years, hopefully I'm not too rusty. Please read the prequel to this story if you'd like, "Am I In Love?" the writing was terrible though! Vote, follow, comment and all that good stuff! Enjoy!

I felt like punching a wall. Groose flinched as he saw me begin to clench my fists.

"L-look, (Y/n), I don't understand why you'd be so mad." Cawlin and Strich were hiding behind him. "What's so great about Link anyway? All he does is cause more problems for everyone, so why are you so upset?" I boiled with anger, I felt like I was about to explode.

"I haven't seen that jerk in a whole month!" They all jumped back, afraid of me.

Link had been coming back to Skyloft from time to time, but it was always for a short while. Yet, that wasn't what annoyed me. "Would it kill him to just look for me?!" I was sick and tired of hearing that everyone saw him, except me. It wasn't fair in my opinion.

"I don't think so-"

"Exactly!" He flinched again. "So why can't he, huh? I honestly don't see how hard it is to just say, 'Oh hey, has anyone seen (Y/n)?'" Cawlin tugged on Groose's shirt.

"Hey, um... Groose?"

"Y-yeah?" He glanced down at the short blue haired boy.

"I think I just remembered that we had something to do for professor Horwell." Strich frantically nodded in agreement. Groose slowly back away, forcing me a smile. 

"Oh, yeah. We should probably go now... Sorry, (Y/n)."

They ran off.

I sighed. I wish that jerk would at least try to see me for once.

"Honestly, how could I love such an idiot." I felt someone tap my shoulder.

"Who's this idiot you speak of?" It was Pipit. I jumped slightly before looking back at him.

"No one." I saw him smirk. Pipit pointed down at me while wiggling his finger.

"Don't try to lie, I know that you're talking about Link." He laughed as he saw me pout.

"Whatever, just go focus on your lil girlfriend." I waved him off, ignoring his flustered retorts.

"I don't have a girlfriend."

"Mhm." I rolled my eyes, getting bored of the same little argument.

"We're just friends." I nodded, just trying to get it over with.

"Sure." I left the square, bidding farewell to Pipit despite knowing that he was calling back for me. I saw my remlit walk up to me, meowing as it nudged against my leg. My remlit had grown quite a bit within the past month, but it still fits in my satchel surprisingly. I knelt down to pet it before sighing. I continued on and made my way towards the staircase that led to the academy.

Upon nearing the top, I spotted Karane closing the door from the school. As our eyes met, she greeted me with a smile, seeing (Remlit's Name) trailing behind me.

"Hey, (Y/n)! I was just thinking about you!" She quickly walked over, meeting me at the gate.

I hummed in response, greeting her back quietly. She furrowed her brows, tilting her head to the side.

"What's up?"

"Nothing really, I just got done talking to Pipit and was planning on heading in to take a very much needed nap."

"Usually teasing him lifts your spirits up a bit, what's got you so down?" I crossed my arms as I told her about how I've been missing Link lately, despite feeling embarrassed for admitting it a bit more openly than usual. She nodded, placing a warm hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry, I'm sure that he'll show up by tomorrow! He usually drops by from time to time, so you should be able to see him again." I remained pouting, looking down to the furry bundle that was now in my arms.

H.O.P.E. (Skyward Sword Link x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now