Chapter 6: Priorities

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{I know I've been M.I.A. for a while, so here's an extra long chapter!}

"I know we had a whole argument about this yesterday, but I really don't think you should push yourself so much."

"After knowing me this long, do you really think you're gonna convince me otherwise?" A sigh escaped Link, his lips turning into a bitter smile. 

"Well, it never hurts to try." He chuckled, messing with my hair before petting my remlit. "Do you want me to go ask Karane or Orielle to help you change?" I shook my head.

"No, Karane already helps enough whenever we come back, and Orielle patched up our tunics." I felt bad asking for more help, seeing as I've held us back from completing the mission again. I clenched my hands into fists on my lap, taking in a deep breath. "So, when we get down there... We'll see her again?" My eyes were glued to my blanket that was bunched up around my waist. "We'll see Zelda?" Link let out a hum, nodding his head as he smiled at me softly.

"Yeah." I let out a shaky breath, nodding my head as well.

"I'll be ready in a minute." He stood up from the chair next to me, pushing it back under my desk and exiting the room. I still couldn't believe it, after all the struggles we've encountered we were finally going to see her again. My hand landed on my adventure pouch that sat on my desk, pulling out my sailcloth. My fingers traced the designs, stopping at the faded stains at one of the corners. I brought it up to my face, the lingering traces of sweet chamomile filling my nose. I don't think I've seen a night where she wasn't drinking a hot cup of tea, it was her favorite passtime. I couldn't help but smile at the thought, I felt more motivated. 

I walked out of the academy, Link continuing to offer a hand in helping me walk. I kept telling him I was fine, but he still didn't seem convinced. As we made it to the plaza, Link whistled for his bird, having it land in front of us. He gestured for me to get on, having his Loftwing lower itself. I gave him a look, "Next time you get hurt, you better let me treat you like this." I sighed, climbing onto the crimson bird. Link simply laughed, sitting behind me and wrapping a hand around my waist before we took off. I felt my hands clamming up as we approached the green pillar of light. 

I was annoyed earlier today due to yesterday's events. My parents had heard about my injuries from the professors, yet they hadn't bothered to see me until later that night, with my father obviously drunk out of his mind and my mother blaming Link. They both blamed him for me getting hurt, saying that they didn't understand why I hung around him. The yelling went back and forth from calling Link irresponsible to calling me an idiot for becoming a knight. My mother glared at me so coldly when I argued back, leaning into my ear and telling me that she would say it.

I remember shutting my mouth tightly, looking away and feeling so small. The tightness in my chest was suffocating and had gradually been fading away.

I'm not too sure how I even managed to convince them to leave, maybe they felt fulfilled that I cowered before them. Regardless, that isn't the main focus anymore. They're just minor bumps on the road I have to get over, just as I always have, and will. 

"Are you alright?" Link took me out of my thoughts, nudging me slightly as his Loftwing began to steadily dive below the clouds towards the surface of Faron Woods. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." I chewed on my bottom lip, knowing that he wouldn't fully believe me. I turned to him, offering a closed-eyed smile. "I'm just excited." 

The descent to the surface felt very slow, I couldn't tell if it was the fatigue or if I was just impatient about the whole thing that made it seem so. As my shaky legs met the moss-covered stone ground before the entrance to the ancient temple I could feel my stomach tighten. I glanced over to the wooden track Groose had made not too long ago, it still baffled me that the guy managed to pull something like this off. I had always taken him as a total meathead, but it seems there were some brains to that brawn. Upon entering, I met the gaze of the old woman of the temple. I did my best to avert my eyes, as well as fix my posture but I knew there wasn't anything getting past her. 

H.O.P.E. (Skyward Sword Link x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now