Chapter 5: Amazement

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I closed my eyes, feeling the wind hit my face as I flew on my Loftwing. I felt so much lighter now. The dread I felt earlier while fighting a giant tentacled monster in the middle of an ancient sea was gone. I felt as though we were closer to Zelda now that we acquired the second sacred flame from the Lanayru region. I was taken out of deep thought as I heard my name, my eyes scanning the skies until settling upon an all too familiar grin and a set of blue eyes. Link moved in closer, his bird flying alongside mine.

"(Y/n), I wanna tell you something!" He seemed to contour his face in a strange way, seemingly hesitant about something. His face was slightly flushed, his lips red from being bitten. I raised an eyebrow at him, wondering what was on his mind. He leaned in closer, brows knitted together. "You're- you're short!" I paused for a moment before sending him a look. This boy was really testing my patience. I gave him the finger before flying ahead of him towards Skyloft, hearing apology after apology behind me. "(Y/n), I was joking!" I continued my steadfast pace towards the bazaar all whilst ignoring the boy at my heels. He tugged at my tunic asking for attention but his pleas went unheard as I made it to the counter of the gear shop. I greeted the blacksmith before turning around and facing Link momentarily, his face lighting up before I swiped away his bow from his back. 

"Can you make me a bow like this one?" I placed it down onto the counter, continuing to ignore the whining behind me. I was told the price and what items I had to trade in for it to be crafted, digging out those materials and the money from my travel pouch. "So what time should I drop by to pick it up?"

"Don't think I didn't notice you having to struggle to reach for my bow." I felt a vein popping from my forehead as I swiftly jabbed his side with my elbow before thanking the blacksmith and heading towards the door. I swear this boy is getting on my last nerve. I hadn't realized I was somewhat in a daze until I felt my back hit a chest behind me. "Geez, I didn't know you were that determined to ignore me." Link huffed, stepping in front of me. "It kinda hurts that instead of acknowledging my existence you prefer falling face first into the concrete." Turns out I was about to walk right off the path downhill from the bazaar which could have resulted in a missing tooth and a few scrapes. 

"It wasn't that, but if you're constantly annoying me like that I could understand why the latter would seem more appealing." I saw him frown, crossing his arms over his chest after hearing me. I laughed, reaching over and pinching his cheek. "Calm down, ya lil dope, I'm just messing with ya." He still hadn't seemed too perked up. I let out a sigh, rubbing his cheek with my thumb to ease over the now pink skin. "Do you wanna try going to the Lumpy Pumpkin? It's been awhile hasn't it?" Link tried to fight back a smile, not doing well as I saw the corners of his lips lift. 

"Sure." He took my hand into his and walked me over to the platform in the plaza. His hands were calloused and warm, fitting into my own almost perfectly. We've been on the surface for quite a while that I had almost forgotten that Link wasn't always the courageous hero he took the role of, that he was at times very childish in the most innocent ways. That being that soothing a bruised ego was done with the use of food. He turned towards me slightly, stopping before the ledge. His face flushed a tinge of pink and thick brows knitted together once more. "Do you think we could ride my Loftwing together, like last time?" I was taken aback by his request, only being reminded of the wing ceremony and the tragedy that followed it. I shrugged, not really seeing why to go against the idea. 

"Sounds nice, it's been a while since we've done that, now that I think of it." I gave him a small smile. He gave me a nod, jumping off the ledge and calling for his crimson Loftwing. 

"We gotta be flashy about it though!" He motioned for me with his hand as I leaped off as well, catching me in his arms. I burst out in laughter on his lap, clutching his chest as the adrenaline left my body leaving butterflies in its place. I looked up at him, seeing a wide grin from ear to ear on his face, cheeks still pink. I loosened my grip, wrapping my arms around his torso and laying my head against his chest. I felt him tense up for a moment before his arms wrapped around me as well. 

H.O.P.E. (Skyward Sword Link x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now