Chapter 2: Battle

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I stretched out my limbs, looking down towards the land that I was about to enter. I reached for my satchel that was secured around my back. I heard growling, feeling my remlit trying to claw its way out. (Pet's Name) was freaking out, not used to a fall this long. I tried calming it down, trying to keep the bag closed. Its claws were able to reach out of the bag through the netting on the sides. I tried to keep my hand secure around the clasp despite (Pet's Name)'s claws embedding into my flesh. I know that the gusts of wind hitting (him/her) through the vents of the satchel were making (him/her) frantic but I had hoped (he/she)  would be able to endure it for a little longer.

I was spinning out of control now. I heard the click of my bag opening, my remlit flying out. I caught it quickly, waiting until I was closer to the ground to let go. Time felt like it was passing by quickly, I didn't know for sure if I would be able to slow down. I counted down to 5, waiting for the right moment.

5 Calm down.

4 Please stop scratching me.

3 Hold on.

2 Almost there.

1 It's now or never.

I let go of (Pet's Name) taking out the sailcloth from my pouch, feeling air push the cloth up. The fabric rubbing harshly against the fresh cuts on my right hand as my body was pulling against the direction of the sailcloth. I winced, letting go from my right side as I landed. I stumbled down immediately, my legs feeling weak. I watched as (Pet's Name) landed, its ears flapping up and down until its paws met the solid ground. It ran over to me, licking my bleeding hand while whimpering.

I petted the top of its head, trying to soothe it. I could see stains of blood on the sailcloth now, feeling a bit upset. Tucking it back into my pouch, I let out a sigh as I took in my new surroundings.

There was so much greenery, more than I've ever seen in my life. This place looks so- I don't know- mystical? It looks like it came out of a fairytale.

I was pretty far down in this hole, following the path that led up with my gaze, I could see bits of a building peeking through the tall grass at the top. It was fairly cooler down here as well. Small birds flew around me, butterflies and other insects foreign to Skyloft were swatted at by my remlit. My eyes drifted to the path that seemed to go down further. Sadly, I'm someone who can't always fight off my curiosity.

Once the feeling in my legs came back, I whistled for my remlit to come, it scurried until it hopped back into the satchel.

"Remember to sit tight from now on, no matter what." I muttered as I stood up. I heard my remlit meow in response, as I made my way deeper into the crater. I could see something white jutting out of the ground at the very bottom, strange markings on the ground surrounding it in a circle. Upon closer inspection, I noticed a strange black mist emitting from the ground in which it was pierced into.
As I made it to the bottom, the ground suddenly shook. I collapsed, seeing the dark mist grow and spread above the pedestal. My eyes then widened at the creature before me. It was humongous, covered in black scales with no eyes, and a large mouth with millions of sharp teeth. I thought I was about to pass out, hearing it let out a deafening roar, the vibrations could be felt in the air.

It was definitely large, but it still had a ways to go until it would be visible from the top. I readied my weapon, clutching my shield and sword with a painfully tight grip. I did my best to even out my breathing, feeling the adrenaline coursing through my veins. I've never fought off any enemies like these, besides small things like keese back in Skyloft. I had to remain focused though, this is do or die.

I aimed for the fleshy toes of the monster, slashing away at them, hearing it let out shrilling cries.

"(Y/n)!" It was Link. "Get the hell out of there!" What kind of plan was that? There's no time for him to try to take all the glory and be a "hero." Either I fight, or I attempt to escape. I've already made my choice.

"Stop being such a brat!" I yelled, slicing off the last appendage on the monster's foot. It fell down onto its stomach, suddenly crawling its way up. "Get down here and help!" Link wasted no time, jumping down and landing about a level above the enemy.

Once it stood back up again, Link jumped onto its head, striking the pedestal. He was thrown off, landing by me. He never looked at me head on, seemingly avoiding eye contact. I decided to ignore him, I basically got an idea of what I had to do.

I ran up to it again, getting closer before Link suddenly got past me. He told me to stay put until he told me otherwise. I watched him slash the back toes, the beast becoming unbalanced as it fell onto its back.

"Hit it, now!"

I struck it, embedding the pedestal deeper with each hit. It roared loudly once more, falling forward onto its stomach before quickly wiggling its way up once more.
I stood there shocked at its speed. I looked around, trying to find a way to catch up to it.

My eyes landed on the holes in the ground that spewed wind. I immediately ran towards one, using my sailcloth to get ahead. I landed back onto its head, relentlessly whaling on the stone until ground shaking cries filled the air. I was thrown off again, landing with a thud as I watched the creature dissipate.

The pedestal returned to the heart of the crater, Link sealing it away with his sword. I watched him walk over to me, pausing for a moment, giving me a hard look.

He led me up, until we arrived to a ruined temple. An old woman in a red cloak asked for him to accompany her back inside, saying that they had more things to discuss. Groose was here too, surprisingly. He gawked at me for awhile rambling about if I was alright. I reassured him I was, but as we entered the temple, I felt upset. I decided that I didn't really wanna listen to their conversation, so I left through the other door. I sat outside, against a crumbled wall, or at least what remained of it.

Despite the hectic events that have happened thus far having stepped onto the Surface, there was one thing on my mind at this very moment.

I'm fucking annoyed.

Hopefully you guys enjoyed! Please, feel free to give me feedback on my writing!

H.O.P.E. (Skyward Sword Link x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now