Chapter 7: Nostalgia

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I groaned as I felt sunlight directly hit my eyes.

"Oh, sorry! I didn't mean for it to wake you." I rubbed my eyes, feeling the bandage wrapped around my head against my skin. Propping myself up a bit as I felt a dull pain in my abdomen. My mouth and throat felt extremely dry, so I didn't bother speaking. I waited a moment for my eyes to adjust to the light, before yawning. "How are you feeling, (Y/n)?" I shrugged, still trying to fight off the sleepiness. "This is the longest you've stayed awake, now that I think of it!" I kept my eyes closed as I listened to her, cracking my neck slightly as I jerked my head side to side. "Be careful with your head." I let out a sigh, staring off into space for another moment until I heard laughter. "Don't push yourself to get out of bed if you're still not feeling up to it, okay?" I nodded, looking over to her as she stood with her back facing me, in front of the window.

I remember waking up every now and then, but I haven't the slightest idea of how long I've been out, let alone bedridden. I faintly recall barely opening my eyes, but I definitely do remember hearing people talking to me. It'd be brief before I ended up passing out again, but I also remember the feeling of someone holding my hand at times. A lot of things still feel fuzzy, but I know right now, I'm feeling way better than usual. "The owner of the potion shop told me that she has something newly formulated for when you're able to wake up. Are you hungry?" I saw her turn around, a bright smile on her fair face. Her blue eyes crinkled, as the sunlight bounced off her long, golden hair that was neatly tied and placed over her shoulder. Her gaze was so tender, yet directed to me. I still can't quite wrap my head around it, but somehow, this person was someone I must have cared greatly about. Despite not knowing much of her, there was one thing I was definitely sure about:

She's gorgeous.


The sweet smell of chamomile was becoming my favorite scent so far. It's only been my second day waking up, but this was already my drink of choice. My eyes closed as I raised my cup to my lips, taking in a nice breath as the aroma filled my nostrils. The furry bundle on my lap helped to keep me warm as well. I'm assuming this remlit was mine, seeing as it's almost always here in my room. Then again, it could simply be someone lending it to me for comfort.

Soft humming was heard from behind me, a brush gently running through my hair led by her hand. Her name was Zelda. This girl had been taking care of me so far, but I'm also gonna take a guess that she's done it before. She regularly makes me tea with every meal, as well as before bed.

In all honesty, I find it a bit difficult to look at her directly now. I told her last night that I didn't actually know her. She had been rambling on about how I needed to stop throwing caution to the wind and then proceeded to ask why I hadn't bothered saying anything that entire day. The look of hurt in her eyes made me feel bad for not remembering. She excused herself for the night, but I heard her crying in the hallway to Karane, the other girl who usually tended to me. 

I didn't completely forget her, I know that she was a classmate of mine, but I could vaguely recall talking to her much. My head would start to ache every now and then if I tried to think a bit too hard. I kinda just let myself drift off into a daze most of the time, thinking of nothing helped. 

"Your hair got much longer, do you want to cut it?" I shrugged. I don't really care about my hair right now. "It's really pretty." I turned around slightly, meeting her eyes for a moment before looking down. My eyelids felt heavy almost immediately as I rested my head on her shoulder. I felt at ease with her. My breath hit her neck before I buried my face into her shirt. It smelled fresh, hints of the tea I drank earlier mixed in as I breathed out again. This intimacy felt... nostalgic. The safety I'm feeling is almost a bit sad as if it's wrong. Even more with the added fact that I don't clearly recall her, yet I do it effortlessly. 

H.O.P.E. (Skyward Sword Link x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now