Chapter 4: Growth

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I woke up feeling sunlight peak through a slit of the tent. I groaned a bit, shifting a bit in my position and burying my face back into the warmth beneath me. I felt a deep vibration under my fingertips, a chuckle reaching my ears.

"Sorry, but I don't think you can sleep in today." Link rubbed my back before using his other hand to brush my cheek. I sighed, feeling him tense up for a moment as my breath hit his neck. "(Y/n)!" He whined, continuing to nudge me until I sat up. I yawned as I rubbed my eyes, frowning at him.

"It's uncomfortable sleeping in this." I motioned to my uniform. Link sat up, shrugging.

"We don't have time to be changing in and out of clothes all the time down here." I nodded, staring at him for another moment.

"I'm sorry about my tantrum yesterday. I know you had to go back home, yet you let us stay here." Link gave me a soft smile, hearing me, "I got you sidetracked because I acted like a brat."

"It's fine, I mean it." He patted my head gently, his hand trailing down to the side of my face before he pinched my cheek. "I don't mind dealing with your little tantrums, you're my lil brat anyway." He laughed, hearing me mumble a curse under my breath. "Let's get everything packed so we can go back."

Getting out of the tent, we placed everything back into my bag.

"You better not ditch me when we go there." I joked, nudging him a bit with my hip. He pushed back with his, chuckling.

"I wouldn't dream of ditching you like that, you'd kill me!"

We made our way to a nearby bird statue, Link explaining to me how he needed to resupply his own things along with needing someone to help him figure out something for his quest. Yet he never specified what it was that was puzzling him.

Upon arrival at Skyloft, I'm immediately met with an angered Orielle.

"(Y/n)!" She ran over to me, her hands went to her hips, eyebrows furrowed. "Where have you been? Karane was freaking out yesterday!" I apologized, feeling embarrassed. Her gaze then fell onto the green tunic wearing male behind me, making her stop mid-lecture. "So that's why?" She wore a smirk for a moment, leaning to her side as she shook her head.

"Sorry, but I may or may have not kidnapped our little (Y/n)." Link chuckled, patting my shoulders, "It's just been a while, ya know?" I nodded in agreement, hoping I'd get out of trouble. Orielle shrugged, letting out a sigh.

"Regardless if you two think it's all fun to be sneaking off to do some adventuring, it's dangerous!" She looked back to Link, "You've been allowed to go bring Zelda back, but (Y/n) wasn't. You of all people should know that."

"Yes, I know. But she's strong too, and I know she can handle herself." Link clasped my hand in his own, excusing us and leading me toward the academy. I felt my heart flutter momentarily but immediately fought off the feeling.

Link brought us over to the dining hall, greeting the lunch lady as he had me take a seat next to him after receiving our meals. I had left my remlit outside for a bit, wanting it to walk around after being in my satchel for so long. We sat in silence for a bit, until I decided to ask him about his travels. I was baffled hearing of lands covered in sand and fire, even after having firsthand experience seeing land covered only by trees. In no time I found myself gazing at Link like a child, my head propped up by my hand and mouth left hanging slightly opened as he recalled tales of enemies he encountered.

Link chuckled as he covered his face momentarily before reaching over and lifting my chin to shut my mouth. "You'll catch bugs if you do that." I glanced away for a moment, mumbling an apology.

H.O.P.E. (Skyward Sword Link x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now