Chapter One: Drop Out

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I've been in college for 9 years. When I started college in 2016 after highschool, I had no life skills. I was sheltered growing up and I never got the chance to do for myself as a teen yet alone explore and found out what I liked. My parents always did everything for me. Both of my parents were hardworking. 

This is the last half of junior year and I have already ran out of financial aid. I dont know how I will finish senior year now:

Autumn recalls the time where she spoke with her counselor in school: 

"There is nothing I can do Autumn, please try to seek out private loan options at this point. I am wishing you the best of luck with your career and college journey. I know that great things are in store for you. Please if you have some time today or this week, please stop by the library and pick up your Starbucks voucher as my gift to you. You have worked so hard this year Autumn and I am proud of you."

I really never liked talking with my counselor that much, Only when I had to schedule classes. 

But anyways move out is this week for the dorms, and I am moving into a new apartment off campus. I have a plan in mind though. Next year I am moving to the west coast. There is an old Native American saying that the west has "healing wonders". I need rejuvenation in my life. I am so tired and beat. More and more people my age are dropping out of college now more than ever because, number one, college is and will always be expensive, number two, who the hell knows what they want to actually do with their life in there twenties, and three well, because of inflation and the economic crisis. There are so many reasons why going to college now as a young person is probably not the best option, unless you want to learn something. But still college debt is a bitch.

I'm glad that I have a place to call home now, after awhile living in the dorms can feel like jail.

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