Part Two: Moved In

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I've been in my new apartment for a month now and I am already starting to like it. It is so nice to finally have my own space. After all I have a place to call home now. It's so hard to not be able to see your family for so long. After dad died my family split apart. My mom remarried and just left. Everyone moved on and I felt like I was stuck. I wonder if mom ever accepts dad's death? I never understood how she moved on to another man so fast. My sisters are okay I guess. It's been really hard to tell because I haven't seen them in about two to three years. Life has just split us apart and now its just too different. 

I have to find out what I need to do with my life now because I've been told what to do for 9 years now. College told me what to to, but it didn't teach how to be after.I'm still learning how to move on without being in a classroom. It's all that I am used to, but now everything has changed. I feel different, I look different. I have gotten my spark back somewhat because the stressful part is over. Now I have to see what I will do for the rest of my life. Some days are hard and some are easy for me. I take everyday as it comes. 

One thing I remember on this journey is to take it slow, mainly because I need to unlearn to relearn everything I have been taught. I wonder what I want to cook for dinner tonight? 

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