Chapter 12: We'll Blow Up On This Rock Together

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Wanda and I stood in the middle of the streets, getting ready to manipulate the whole town to run away.

"I'm just gonna pretend I got everybody's consent," I muttered.

"You act like you've never messed with someone's head before," Wanda rolled her eyes.

"First, half of the minds I manipulated I didn't have a choice to or not. Second, the only mind I have ever invaded for my personal benefit was Thor, but I had a reason," I stood my ground and got ready to use my powers.

"Your mother?" She asked.

"I told you not to read my mind," I said, sternly.

"I didn't. I'm just not stupid."

"Yeah, okay. Let's just get started," I rolled my eyes before closing them.

I quickly thought of what message I was going to send everybody I was going to make evacuate.

You are in danger. You must leave this town. Pretty straight forward.

Through the blue mist that exited my hands, that message was sent to every house my powers went to. It invaded everybody's minds and let them know what they must do. It, not only let them know they were in danger, it also forced them out of the town.

After being forced to control people's minds for years, I realized I'm not so fond of doing that anymore. Especially this many people, but I was helping them this time, so that has to count for something.

We spent much time warning these people to leave the city. I followed Wanda to a bridge, helping the people escape. That was until Ultron's army came attacking everyone.

"Go!" Steve yelled at people running away.

"Get off the bridge! Run!" Wanda shouted.

I was guiding an elderly woman off the bridge when the robots came. I rushed the lady to go faster as I shielded her from the robot's blasts coming in our direction. I quickly got annoyed and closed my eyes, focusing on my powers. I let out a blue mist that trailed through every robot shooting at us. I covered the lady's head and let my powers blow them all up. That gave me enough time to rush the woman off the bridge to escape.

"Wow," I heard Steve behind me say.

"What?" I asked out of breath.

"You- you just blew them all up," he told me, looking a bit confused.

"They were getting on my nerves," I shrugged my shoulders.

"Keep your eyes peeled. There's more coming," he informed me.

"Yay," I said, sarcastically and groaned.

The robots came and we began our fighting again. It was cut off though by the ground shaking.

"Tony! What's happening!?" I held my hands out to stabilize myself.

"Umm," was his answer. "So, the town is flying in the air and if it drops then we're going to plummet to our death."

"Well, that's nice." I was interrupted by a crash behind me. I turned to see Steve had landed on a car.

"Cap, you got incoming," Tony informed.

"Incoming already came in," Steve got up, holding his side. "Stark, you worry about bringing the city back down to safety. The rest of us have one job: tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt 'em back. You get killed, walk it off."

"Great," I groaned, looking at the three cars filled with people on their way to fall off the edge of the bridge where the city is flying. Thor and Steve got the cars that were falling, but there was one car barely making its way down. I rushed to it, ripping the car doors off. I quickly took out the mother and child the car contained. I held the boy until I knew it was safe. Once we were off of the bridge, I set him down.

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