31 - Cleo | Taken

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Trigger warning: assault

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Trigger warning: assault


My head was throbbing with pain the moment I became slightly conscious again, and I had no idea how long had passed... It felt like days. Maybe hours? I honestly didn't know.

Every single muscle in my body hurt but the first thing I focused on was in between my legs. And I didn't feel any unusual soreness or any pain from there, besides the faint soreness and discomfort I was previously feeling before, but that was because of Harry. My legs were still a bit weak but the adrenaline was enough to distract me from that at the moment.

I would be able to tell the difference if anyone raped me, and that wasn't the case. But it didn't mean they didn't touch me... and they were going to fucking pay for ever daring to lay a fucking finger on me.

Men were so disgusting, it was awful that thousands of women had to deal with this every day and most of them couldn't defend themselves.

I blinked a few times but I came to the conclusion the problem wasn't my eyes, the room itself was dark. There was no source of light at all, and of course, my mind went straight to Harry's fear... I always thought about him somehow.

I couldn't see where I was, but I was tied up on a metal chair, with thick ropes around my wrists and ankles.

I could feel I was still wearing the same oversized shirt as I became more aware, and slowly my brain started to function normally again.

They hit me in the head very damn hard, I could smell the blood and I could also feel it dried up on my skin. The smell was disgusting, but it came from the space around me, I doubted there were any windows.

It smelled like piss and wet concrete, and I had to breathe through my mouth to stop myself from throwing up.

Where the fuck was I?

I remembered everything even though my brain was a bit hazy. I remembered the men breaking into the penthouse, Harry leaving me alone and going to god-knows-where, Zayn saying he'd come over... What a fucking mess.

I was glad those men didn't rape me but I had a terrible feeling in my guts. This was far from over and I was weak... they tied me up very well actually, and I had no idea what to do or where to begin.

No weapons, no phone... no Harry. It was the first time I was in a situation like this where Harry wasn't with me. We were always together and we were a team.

The last time we were tied up in a dark room together I had to help him calm down and we worked together. He actually broke his thumb to get free back then and we managed to overpower who dared to kidnap us.

But I was alone now and I didn't even want to think about how Harry was feeling.

Did he already know I was taken? Did they call him asking for money or blackmailing him? Where was Zayn in all this?

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