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"Please, I was shot basically in the heart and didn't make a fuss like you are right now

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"Please, I was shot basically in the heart and didn't make a fuss like you are right now." I huffed at Zayn when he tried to squirm away as I tried to remove the bullet from his abdomen.

"I'm sorry if I don't enjoy pain like you two weirdos, it fucking hurts." Zayn huffed back, he was sweating because of the pain, and his ragged breaths echoed around the room, it was pretty hard to get the bullet out and I was still trying, but he was gonna be fine.

Harry was pacing back and forth in the living room and we didn't have time to clean ourselves or get dressed, this was becoming usual to us by now

because I was never wearing any fucking pants whenever someone dared to break in.

And Gemma was back in the guest bedroom now. After Harry found her still frozen in the same spot in the weapons room, he guided her downstairs so maybe she could get some rest or fall asleep.

She was probably traumatized and she hadn't even seen what happened down here, the kitchen was covered in blood and there were bullet holes all over the penthouse, but now we had to focus on helping Zayn and think about the rest tomorrow.

Well, we had a lot to do tomorrow and I was already stressed, I knew I wouldn't manage to sleep.

My mood was shit and Harry was about to have a breakdown, he was just so worried about Gemma and Zayn that I could tell he was an overthinking mess.

I mean, he watched his best friend passing out in front of him after he was shot, it really looked like Zayn was dead at first. But Harry and I rushed towards him and he was still breathing, turns out he was very fucking lucky and he woke up minutes later when we placed him on the couch.

Zayn was feeling a lot of pain and being shot in your abdomen was the fucking worst, he kept fainting when I started to clean the wound so I could try to take the bullet out, but he was conscious now and he'd drunk half a bottle of scotch already to help him bear the pain.

He was bleeding a bit less now, but still, he made a huge mess and his grey sweatpants were now dark red, I had to keep cleaning his abdomen with some gauze and antiseptic and Harry helped me at first.

But Harry's hands were trembling too much because of his nervousness, I knew this scared the shit out of him. He would be completely destroyed if Zayn died, and everything happened so fast that I didn't have time to think about the what-ifs or properly react.

I didn't panic and I tried to keep Harry calm, he was probably picturing all the worst-case scenarios but thank God Zayn was awake.

And also very annoying. Zayn was starting to get drunk or maybe dizzy with the pain, and he was getting on my nerves.

"Fuck! Be gentle." Zayn suddenly groaned in pain, grabbing my thigh out of reflex when his eyes screwed shut, and he grunted again when I tried to reach for the bullet with the forceps.

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