18 - Zayn | Accident

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I was drunk and a bit high

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I was drunk and a bit high... or probably very high and a bit drunk.

Either way, I had no idea how I managed to call an uber to drop me off in front of Harry's building.

At least I didn't decide to drive on my own, but my head was such a mess that I would've probably crashed against the first wall or lamppost. Fuck, I probably wouldn't be able to start the car.

Being alone in that hotel room wasn't good for my very guilty brain and mental health itself, I started doubting myself and questioning my own existence more than someone probably should.

I was stupid to text Harry earlier today and I missed him so fucking much. I knew an apology via text meant nothing but I was desperate to let him know that I was honestly so fucking ashamed of what I did.

We had never fought like this before and I was honestly worried things would never be the same. Yes, we had a lot of fights and we even threw a few punches here and there, but the disappointment in his eyes broke me.

He was my only friend... the only person I trusted with my life. And I fucking ruined everything because of Anne and I was so pissed at myself. I wanted to yell at her and try to understand why she was so damn selfish, but it wasn't worth it.

She wasn't worth it.

Especially after she revealed more truths about her past... which only made her seem more like a heartless bitch.

Cleo's father knew that she faked her death... and Desmond probably killed him because he didn't want to keep helping them with the trafficking. Mason was a liability, and Desmond had no idea his own wife was helping the FBI.

What a fucking mess. Thank god the rest of them were dead and gone, I didn't care who was less guilty or not.

I was tired.

And my mouth tasted like vodka.

I managed to type the necessary codes to get me into the building and I stumbled my way to the elevator, pressing down the other code that I got wrong two times, but it finally worked. I was moving too slowly because sometimes my legs would feel funny.

This building was too fancy and it was too dark, I couldn't focus much on anything, to be honest.

Being here was a mistake but I needed to see my best friend. I had no idea why I was doing this exactly, but I was too intoxicated to care.

That's why I usually got high, and not drunk. I was an unexpected drunk... and completely out of my mind because I knew Harry didn't want me here.

But maybe I could apologize again... if I managed to walk out of the elevator. There were too many mirrors inside this metal box, and therefore way too many Zayns. It made me dizzy.

As soon as the door opened I walked out, realizing there was no one in the living room despite the lamps being turned on.

I forgot Harry always left the lights on, it'd been so long since we were around each other.

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