9. Like a dream🌙

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Those who are thinking that there is not post wedding ritual they are going through the chapter and you will see who won who lose the game and this ritual are happening day after their marriage because the time of their marriage was late and their family doesn't think to rituals take place so they are doing the rituals day after wedding. I hope you all have understood. Now let's dive to the chapter.


Author's POV
Both of them were sleeping peacefully in each other embrace when the alarm was caught by adeeba and she switched off the alarm but suddenly she realised that she was just wearing ayaan's kurta she remembered last night and blushed crept over her face she tried to stand but a wave of pain in her lower abdomen make her sit on bed. when she fells arm wrap around her waist and pulled her towards Ayaan and she bumped on ayaan's chest due to sudden force."Ayaan" she said "sorry jaan" he said in closed eyes she looked at his face "for what" she said with a pout "for last night " he said while slowly opening his eyes. Her face turned red due to ayaan's words. " It's okay but leave me. I have to take a bath" she said timidly. "Ok" he said. And she got up from the bed. "Ahh" Adeeba screamed when felt herself in the air her eyes closed due to fear "eat more sunshine you are so light." Ayaan said with a smirk.
He left Adeeba in the bathroom and came back to the room. When Adeeba came out of the bathroom her long brownish black hair reached her mid thigh and was wet she was wearing red kurta and pants with golden embroidery on it . Ayaan was also coming into the room from taking a bath from another room.

Ayaan's POV
When I entered the room i saw the most beautiful scene I have ever seen she is my first and she will be my last she was looking like a goddess in red kurta it was just made for her. Her wet hair was making her look more beautiful with no makeup on her. Her rose pink lips her cute small nose and the most beautiful her for eyes. One thing was clear in mind that marrying her was my best decision of my life. She cleared her throat and the chain of my thoughts broke i realised that I was starring at her "you are looking fabulous" i compliment her and a tint of pink is visible on her cheeks. " Well thanks but I should tell you we are running late to perform salah" she said and i saw the clock it was just 15 minutes left for sunrise we performed our prayers and now we are sitting in a swing bed in balcony my back was supported by the head of the bed and she was sitting in between my legs her back was resting on my chest " this all feel like a dream" she whispered while seeing the sunrise I was confused about the thought was she was talking about the sunrise or something else "what feels like a dream to you sunshine" I asked with bit of confusion." Like my life being in a good face where I earn enough for my family, you being my husband which I love the most , getting such good in-laws and all maybe in just one day of our marriage I realised that how lucky good made me that even he test me at last he gives me what I want i all felt like a dream sometimes to me" she said while pouring her emotions to each words. " This is not a dream Adeeba better you start understanding that God has enough tested you know it's just a beautiful path of yours to live or if there will be a hurdle in future i will always be there beside you to fight with that got it, love" i said and kissed her hair.

Author's POV

Right now Ayan and adeeba are sitting in front of each other and a bowl filled with milk water was kept in between them they are surrounded by their family members.
"Now you both have to find the ring from the bowl who will find the ring will have the upper hand in marriage" said sayeeda ayaan's mother.
"Bhabhi you have to find the ring this bhai give order to us now you win and give orders to him" said ayat. She was smiling seeing the love of  this family towards her. Although she also got a lot of love from her family but she didn't expect her in-laws to be this good. Ayaan and Adeeba were staring at each other. "Now both put your hands in the bowl" said sayeeda. They both put the hand in the bowl and started roaming their hand in a bowl sometimes their hand came in contact with each other and suddenly Adeeba felt some metallic thing in her hand where Ayaan was placing the ring in her hand without wasting any time she removed her hand from the bowl "I got it" she said while showing the ring.
"Yahh now bhabhi will have the upper hand in the marriage bhai you will dance on the finger of bhabhi" said ayat with excitement in her tone.

"Now next game" said zubair
"Now the game is who will fill more rice in their receptacle will win the game and will be called as the wealth preserver" sayeeda explained the game and as obviouse Adeeba won the game but this time Ayaan do not help her but faith help her.

"Next game is the most exciting game let's see who will be the problem solver" said zubair with a smile.
"So in this game you both have to open the knot of threads wrap around your hands but the twist is you have to open each other's knot." Said sayeeda.
They both were looking at each other. And start opening the knot in no time Ayaan opens the knot of the thread form adeeba's hand and show it to her as it was so simple to do with one hand. "You won because Amma have tied the knot very softly" Adeeba whispered to Ayaan and Ayaan had a smirk on her face.

How was the chapter guys. I hope you liked it please follow share it with your wattpad freinds and vote to encourage my writing 💘💘

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