Morana knows she's different from other people in more ways than one. Firstly, she's sixty-seven years old but stopped ageing in her twenties. Weird things have also happened around her right after she's wished for it. But most importantly, no matte...
The days that followed were, without a doubt, the happiest days of my life. Though we both knew there were a lot of different things stacked against us, we ignored all of that and just spent our time in bliss.
It felt a little strange to me how we would casually make out. How we could be in the middle of doing something only to end up entangled. It was my first ever relationship, after all. But as strange as all of that felt at times, it also felt like the most natural thing.
Like the first time Alejo called me "love" instead of Morana. It felt so strange and it took a bit for me to realize he had talked to me. But at the same time, it warmed my heart.
For a little over a week, we stayed in the apartment. Most of that time we also spent in bed. We would order food when needed and occasionally watch a movie together. All was well and happy.
"We're completely out of coffee," Alejo announced on the eleventh of December. "And all other sorts of things."
He took a piece of paper and jotted things down while looking through the kitchen cabinets. I was on the couch, watching him and feeling somewhat saddened over that our isolation had reached its end.
"I'll just run out and get this," he said and went over to me on the couch, kissed my forehead.
"I'll come with," I said immediately, and he smiled back.
"There's no need for that. You just rest. I'll be gone maximum an hour."
I couldn't help but feel unease as he left. It really was like it broke some spell that had been over us and the apartment, and I felt sure that only bad things could come from it.
And sure enough, he hadn't been gone for more than a minute when there was a popping sound. I had just managed to get to my bedroom to check on Leramidon when the sound came. Immediately, I turned back and went into the living room.
There Marianela stood, admiring the poster that hid Alejo's altar. Her hand was half-way up, as if she had been on her way to touch it. But her hand fell as soon as I stepped into the living room.
"He's not here," I told her, and she turned around to face me.
"I know. That's why I'm here," she answered and then went over to sit on one of the armchairs.
I hesitated, but then went to sit on the opposite one.
"So you want to talk to me?" I concluded as I sat down.
"Yes. Or rather, our mother wants me to talk to you."
I wanted to snort and tell her I wasn't interested in listening. But Alejo had gone into more details about the threat his mother had made him. It meant that I needed to be careful with my words. I couldn't give them any reason to think Alejo had said something bad about them.
"And what is it she wants you to tell me?" I therefore asked instead.
"She wants me to invite you over to the coven for a meeting with her. Preferably sooner rather than later, so tomorrow would be a good day."
"You know I only came last time because of Alejo," I pointed out. "What makes you think that I'll come this time?"
"Well, Mother thinks you'll be happy to come. That you saw the coven in a better light last time and feel it might be in your personal interest to talk to her." Marianela examined her nails as she said it.
"But you don't think so," I stated.
"No. I think you're smarter than to have fallen for some superficial compliments. And even if you aren't, then her going after Alejo like that was a sure way of making you."
"Then what makes you think there's even a point in you coming here to invite me?"
"I guess you might not be as smart as I thought," she sighed and shook her head. Finally, she stopped looking at her nails and turned her eyes on me. "I think it's quite obvious."
"Then just tell me instead of being so theatrical about it," I scoffed back. I felt very strangely about her. On one hand, I felt very uneasy by her presence and I definitely didn't like her. But at the same time I couldn't help but believe that she was somehow an ally in this whole situation.
"You will naturally come for the same reason as last time. To protect Alejo. What do you think Mother will think if you decline the invitation? Who do you think she'll blame?" Marianela answered and gave me a condescending smile.
My stomach tightened. When she said it, it was quite obvious their mother would blame Alejo if I choose to not come. And that would definitely lead to her wanting to punish Alejo somehow. I could not let that happen, could not give her a reason to mistrust Alejo.
"That's settled then," Marianela said, evidentially being able to read my decision on my face. "She wants you to come alone. Shall we say mid-day tomorrow?"
Marianela stood up without letting me answer first. But I was not going to let her leave that easily. She clearly had some idea of that she was better than others from how she acted in a very nonchalant way and I wanted to see if I could break that facade. But more than that, I was also curious about where she stood, for she seemed to not align herself with the rest of their family, not with anyone really.
"What is it you want from me?" I asked and watched as she raised her eyebrows.
"What I want?" she repeated slowly. "I want nothing from you. But I can't deny that I'm not enjoying the slight chaos you're causing."
"Yes. Chaos." She tilted her head and examined me for a moment before continuing. "What do you think tends to happen when a single person can rule for several hundred years without anyone questioning them?"
Before I had time to even consider her question, she was gone.
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