Morana knows she's different from other people in more ways than one. Firstly, she's sixty-seven years old but stopped ageing in her twenties. Weird things have also happened around her right after she's wished for it. But most importantly, no matte...
Morana watched as a drop of her blood fell into the clear liquid in the cup that stood on her and Alejo's kitchen table. The drop spread out in the liquid, but nothing more happened. It didn't turn to the purple she had so hoped for.
She sighed and poured the liquid away before getting on with her day. She went to work and did her best to not be bothered by the result of the test, but it had started to worry her already a year earlier. By now, she felt certain something was wrong with her body. More specifically, that the number of times she had died and come back to life had left its marks. What other reason could there be for her to not be pregnant yet?
Momentarily, she thought of bringing her worries up to Alejo, but she knew what answer he would give. He would only say that when the time was right, it would happen for them. That was of little comfort to her.
Her work, in itself, was also a blessing and a curse when it came to take her mind off of it. The kids she worked with always demanded a lot of her attention, but they obviously also were a constant reminder of that she still didn't have one of her own.
The community had proven to be the perfect safe haven for Morana and Alejo. They had been welcomed with open arms and it was from the interaction with others, who had been shone by people and society, that both of them had also found a sense of belonging. And also, a place where they felt they had something meaningful to contribute.
Morana had started working at the kindergarten on a whim and found that several of the children there suffered from having been mistreated, similarly as she had been. While Alejo had found his calling among the older children and worked as a teacher in the community's High School.
When work was over for Morana, she went to the community house. Rick's father was among the people in the council and from their first conversation onwards, he had begged Morana to join as well. She had turned him down for a long time, because she had not felt like she could possibly contribute. But finally she had given in.
They met every evening. Most of the time just to make sure nothing had happened that needed discussing, and on the occasions something had, then they stayed and talk for however long they thought necessary.
That evening, there was nothing, so Morana got home just as Alejo started preparing dinner.
"How was your day?" she asked as she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.
"Good. I heard Ben talk for the first time today. How was yours?" he answered.
"Oh, that's so great he's finally coming out of his shell!" Morana smiled. "Mine was very uneventful."
She then went to change clothes before setting the table, but on their bed, she found a letter with her name on it. She sat down and read it.
She had assumed it was from Marianela, who on occasions would send letters asking about Alejo's wellbeing. The letters were always addressed to Morana and in the very first one, Marianela had made it clear she did not want Alejo to know about them. Morana still wasn't completely sure what to make of Marianela, but she hoped that one day the two siblings could reconcile.
But the letter wasn't from Marianela and when Morana had finished reading it, her anxiety had risen and, for the first time in a long time, she was happy she wasn't pregnant yet.
Dear Morana,
First of all, I want to apologize to you. I know I'm partly to blame for the issues you and Alejo had in the beginning and also for that you had to grow up without security. But I am proud over how you have grown with the adversities you have faced. How you have chosen to use it to help others. I have watched you face so much difficulties, but you've always managed to come out of it stronger. You've never folded, though most would have.
I only got to meet you in person for the briefest of moments, as you came back from death for the first time. But it's become time for us to meet properly. For the truth is that I need your help. The whole magical community needs your help. I hope you will be willing to give it, just like you are willing to help all those around you who need it. And rest assured, you won't do it alone. There will be four others whose help is also required to make the world to a peaceful place for all magical beings.
Please come and meet me in the Library at noon on Friday in a week. I'll explain more then. If you want to, I encourage you to bring Alejo along. The support of a mate is the best support one can have. You, Zoe, Crimson, Mirai, and Danae have proven that to me time and time again.
Always with love,
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