Morana knows she's different from other people in more ways than one. Firstly, she's sixty-seven years old but stopped ageing in her twenties. Weird things have also happened around her right after she's wished for it. But most importantly, no matte...
I couldn't help but smile as Morana leaned against me. She looked both cute and peaceful with her eyes shut, snuggled up close to me. I pulled some hair away from her face to see her better. Her mouth was slightly open and her breathing accompanied by soft and quiet snores that only made her even more adorable.
"Who on earth can be more perfect than you?" I said, and I knew it was a question I would ask myself repeatedly until the day I found my mate.
I sat there, holding her while she slept for a while. Just watching her and thinking about nothing while also having my thoughts filled of her. Then, eventually, I decided it was time to move.
I did it as carefully as possible. Held onto her as I got up on my feet so she wouldn't be jostled too much and woken up. Then I lifted her up bridal style and carried her to my bedroom. After having put her on my bed, I took off her jacket and shoes. Pulled the blanket back and then over her.
I leaned down to kiss her forehead before starting to leave. I would sleep on the couch, though my bed was definitely big enough for both of us to sleep without touching one another. But I didn't want her to wake up and think I had been presumptuous by sleeping next to her. When I tried to stand up, though, I noticed she held onto my shirt.
I smiled and tried to get my shirt loose, but her grip was far too firm, so I quickly gave up.
"I get it. I'll stay," I told her and, as if she heard me, she finally released my shirt.
I laughed to myself over her unconscious action.
I changed into more comfortable clothes, but still both pants and a t-shirt, before laying down. I also moved the blanket away so I wouldn't be on it, but I didn't get under it. Keeping my distance from her and hoping she wouldn't be very upset with me when she woke up.
I fell asleep fairly fast and woke up early. While we had slept, she had thrown the blanket off herself and used my chest as a pillow. I had both of my arms around her, hugging her to me, and our legs were intertwined.
I stayed in bed for quite some time, relishing in that moment which only belonged to me. Feeling calm and content, while holding onto Morana.
I felt slightly guilty though. This had been what I had hoped for when I had suggested we start practicing. Not sleeping in the bed together, but that she would exhaust herself to the point of not making it home. I hoped it would diminish her hesitation about moving in.
It had been harder watching her so exhausted though than I had thought, and as I held her and noticed she seemed far from ready to wake up, that guilt and worry quickly took over again.
I tried to convince myself I had nothing to be worried about. That no matter what, the result would likely have been the same after she had meditated. But I knew very well I should have warned her and prepared her for the exhaustion.
My guilt grew stronger and stronger as I lay there, hugging her. Finally, I decided to get up and make some food. She definitely would be starving when she woke up. Carefully, I untangled myself from her and got up, and it wasn't a moment too late.
Barely had I stood up when the loud noise of a phone ringing sounded.
I hurried to her jacket and pulled her phone out. I was on my way to click the call away when I saw the caller ID.
That was the name of her male co-worker.
With jealousy waking up in me, I answered the phone.
"Hey! Where are you? Work started half an hour ago. Are you alright?" I heard his worried voice on the other side.
I looked back at the sleeping Morana and knew I was about to do something which would make me feel even guiltier. But I also didn't care. She wasn't mine, but I also didn't want her to be anyone else's. If I couldn't have her, no one could and I would start with crushing this foolish human's dreams of being with her. She was too good for him anyway. If I were to lose her to someone, then it at least had to be someone more worthy of her than that scrawny human.
"Unfortunately, Morana is sick today and won't make it to work," I said in an even and cold voice.
A moment of silence followed before Dereck spoke with suspicion. "Who is this?"
"Alejo. We met the other day."
"Is she okay? Put her on the phone."
"She's sleeping and needs her rest."
"Where is she?"
I smirked. That was exactly what I had hoped he would ask. "In my bed. Excuse me, but I need to check on her. She won't be well enough for work tomorrow either."
Before that annoying human could say anything more, I hung up.
I smiled and congratulated myself on hopefully having gotten rid of the human, but only for a few seconds. Then the smile faded, and the guilt arrived. I really shouldn't have done that. But though I felt immensely guilty and worried Morana would find out and get angry, I also knew I would do the same thing if given a second chance.
It wasn't like I had lied about anything anyway. The only thing really was that I should have said "my place" or something instead of "my bed". And probably shouldn't have hung up like that. But other than that, there hadn't been anything wrong with what I had said and done. Right?
The guilt didn't go away though, and to occupy my thoughts with something else, I did what I had planned and went to make some food.
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