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Trying to fight love can't do one any good, it's like fighting one's shadow. When you love someone, you love them irrespective of their gender, background or whatever. You just know they are the one.

By the end of second week in school, each person now belonged to a group. The most popular group, headed by Lady Nora, her sisters, Sun, Justin and a few other nobles were on top of the school and Moon couldn't help but admire them at times. Though she was totally aware of how bossy Nora was. The bell rung shaking her out of her daydream. "Moon, it's time for assembly", Sophie tapped her. Sophie too had formed her own group, the brainies.

She herself had been invited to join the rebellion due to her father's title, but she wasn't the type to make mischief or cause trouble as long it was uncalled for. "Okay, I'm coming, just need to tie my hair up", Moon quickly tied her hair into a ponytail with a pink ribbon and they proceeded to leave the room. "Bea", Sophie gushed, seeing one of her friends from science class.

"Soph, are you coming with us?", Bea smiled, beckoning at Sophie to join their group whose seats were at the front. "First, let me introduce you guys, Moon, this is Beatrice but I call her Bea for short and Bea, this is Moon, my lifelong best friend", Moon smiled hearing this.

"Hey", Beatrice hugged her and smiled. "Care to join us?", Sophie asked. Now this was getting awkward.

"Sophie, I'm coming, I forgot something in our room", Moon walked away as quickly as she could. She hated the idea of groups that was why she hadn't join anyone herself, because she was a type of person who couldn't fit in. She sighted the popular group walk in. Most students sacrificed their seats for them. Who do they think they're anyway? Moon took a seat at the back and sat down, waiting for the principal.

A boy joined her. "Hey, I am Frost, what's your name?", he held out a hand, smiling.

"I am Moon", she regretted it as soon as those words left her mouth.

"Wow! I have been looking forward to meeting you, but you're not like anything I imagined and I like it, at least you do not use your title to control people all in the name of being from the kingdom of Good", he muttered but Moon had heard him clearly.

"What do you mean?", Moon feigned innocence.

"The nobles and the prince himself of Good kingdom, they have been controlling and manipulating people ever since they stepped into this school, especially Nora, I am very sure she'd win Queen of school", he was angry but Moon paid no attention to that.

"No, I don't think Nora, but her sister, Flora", Moon craned her neck to get a better view of them, from her line of view, she could see Frost blush slightly.

"Ye..Yes, Flora, we are both in nature class", he smiled. "you're right, she 's way prettier than her sister but Nora and Sun make the best couple of all time", he said and for no reason, Moon felt suddenly uncomfortable hearing about them.

"Whatever", Moon responded nonchalantly and just like Sun had heard them talking about him, he turned and locked eyes with Moon making her blush in a way she couldn't understand. Then he turned his face back to Nora.

"You like him? If you do, you are not the first girl to swoon over him, I don't think I've told you but the Summer Prince is a charmer, he can control the minds of anyone as he pleases, it is said that the weather changes according to his moods, I bet he feels like he owns all", Frost muttered and Moon felt embarrassed. Of course, she was stupid. Stupid for talking to her father's enemy's son.

The two deans walked inside the hall and at once, the noise in the hall died down to a hush. "We have brought you here to celebrate the top 20 students who have done very well for themselves in the last week", Maddison said with a smile. Vera took out a piece of paper from her pocket.

"When your name is called, you come up here to the platform for all your fellow mates to see what shining stars you are", Vera smiled and began to call out their names. The 1st was Beatrice and the 2nd and 3rd were two boys form the brainies, Sophie bagged the 4th position beaming fully at the crowd. Frost, who was sitting beside her was the 5th.

"Wow! I never knew you were smart", Moon clapped as Frost stood up to the front of their mates, he didn't even hear her or he had ignored her.

The 6th, 7th and 8th were people she had never heard of, and being one of the top 20 was already becoming an impossibility. The 9th was Justin, the stupid annoying boy. The 10th was Flora, Nora's triplet sister. "The 11th goes to two students, Moon and Nora", Maddison announced excitedly while Moon covered her face in embarrassment as she walked out. Why was she in a tie with Nora? She removed her hands from her face, she must never showed that she cared.

As she climbed up with Nora, Nora bumped her shoulder and scowled at her, Moon scowled back. The 13th was Leo, a noble from Good kingdom, the 14th was Ellie, the mysterious looking girl. Each one of them had their special job, Nora was the leader, Flora was the sweet charmer and Ellie was the angry guy. And the rest were people she didn't know.

"So, that's all for now, you top 20 students did excellently well, keep it up and maybe we'd see some of you becoming guardians, chiefs or even rulers of nations", Vera smiled.

"And before we end this assembly, we have an important announcement to make, we are having our annual ball the next full moon, everyone is obligated to come. You will surely meet your soulmate there", Maddison paused and Vera continued, "For the ball, you are required to put on masks to cover your faces".

"Then how are we going to know who our soulmate is?", Frost asked.

'You won't know now, but we have a way of doing it here in Waltz academy, we are not the nymph school or school for warriors...", Vera was rambling off and so, Maddison continued. "You would know because, they would go by a secret name. Whenever you want to send letters to the soulmate you met at the ball, you will see the Paradisia bird", a colorful bird had landed on her shoulder and she smiled, stroking its feathers.

"Place the letter in its claws and call the name that your soulmate went by in the ball, it will surely take it to your soulmate straight away", Maddison let the bird fly off. That was wonderful. "So that's all kids, go to your rooms and have a good night's sleep, it's cleaning day tomorrow", Vera and Maddison went out as they all groaned.

And this is when Moon noticed that Sun was not part of the top 20 and worse more, he was not in his seat.

Where did he go and why was she worried about that?

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