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I stood in the center of my living room, surrounded by filled boxes and stacks of bubble wrap. I ran a hand through my hair, exhaling deeply. Buck had just brought down a few boxes to the truck.

"Looks like we could use a few more hands." He said looking at my messy apartment. "Tell me about it." I sat on the kitchen counter stressed. "Good thing I brought the cavalry."

At that moment, the rest of the 118 firehouse crew piled into the apartment, ready to help with the heavy lifting. Eddie, Hen, Chimney, and even Captain Bobby Nash were all there, ready to lend their support.

"Wow, you guys," I said, "I don't know what to say." I hugged each of them.

"Just tell us where to start," Bobby said with a smile. "We're here to make this as easy as possible for you."

The group quickly set to work. Buck and Eddie handled the heavy furniture, carefully maneuvering the couch and dining table out the door and into the moving truck. Hen and Chimney took charge of bringing boxes down to the truck. Bobby organized the smaller tasks, making sure nothing was overlooked.

I started to pack my suitcases for the flight that I had the next day to New York. Buck found me in the bedroom, carefully folding clothes. He slid his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder. "How you holding up?" he asked softly.

"I'm okay," I replied, leaning back into his embrace. "It's a lot to take in, but having you all here makes it so much better."

"New York is going to be lucky to have you." Buck said, kissing my cheek. "And I'm lucky to have you," I said, turning to kiss him back.

As the hours passed, the apartment slowly became more empty. The moving truck was packed to the brim, and the only things left were a few more boxes.

With the few boxes loaded, the group gathered in the now-empty living room. There was a mix of excitement and sadness in the air.

"Thank you, everyone," I said, my voice cracking slightly. "I couldn't have done this without you."

"Of course," Hen said, pulling me into a hug. "We're going to miss you."

"Come visit us whenever you can," Eddie added. "New York's not that far." He joked.

"And don't forget to call," Chimney said, trying to keep the mood light.

Bobby finally had his supportive monologue, "No matter where you go, LA and the 118 will always be a part of you." We all smiled.

Buck wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "We're gonna visit you often, I promise," He told me. "This isn't goodbye. It's just see you later."

With one last look at my now-empty apartment, me and Buck climbed into his car, headed for the airport. As we drove away, I held his hand tightly, knowing that no matter where I went, I had a family in the 118 who would always be there for me.

Buck and I got an early flight to New York. I let him come with me because I couldn't bear looking back and seeing him alone as I left.

We stood in the bustling terminal of LAX, the reality of the move finally sinking in. The noise of the crowd, the announcements over the PA system, and the flurry of activity around us seemed to mirror the whirlwind of emotions I was feeling.

"You okay?" Buck asked, his voice a calm anchor amidst the chaos. "Yeah, just... processing," I replied, managing a small smile. "This is really happening."

Buck squeezed my hand reassuringly. "It's going to be great. And I am right here next to you."

I nodded, appreciating his unwavering support. "And you're going to love the city. There's so much to explore, and so many new places for us to make memories." He continued.

As we approached the check-in counter, Buck handled our luggage while I sorted out the tickets.

With our bags checked and boarding passes in hand, we made our way through security and found our gate. We had some time before our flight, so we settled into a couple of seats near the large windows overlooking the runway.

Buck pulled out his phone and began snapping a few selfies of us together. "We need some 'before' photos to go with all the 'after' photos we'll take in New York."

I laughed and posed with him, feeling my nerves ease with each click of the camera. We reviewed the pictures together, laughing at our silly faces and the excitement in our eyes.

As we waited, we talked about our plans for New York. Buck, ever the adventurer, was looking forward to exploring the city's landmarks, trying out new restaurants, and finding new favorite spots for us to hang out.

The boarding announcement for our flight crackled over the speakers, and we gathered our belongings. As we stood in line to board, Buck wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

We found our seats on the plane, stowing our carry-ons and settling in for the flight. I took the window seat, gazing out at the tarmac and the planes taking off and landing. Buck sat beside me, holding my hand.

As the plane taxied down the runway and began its ascent, I felt a mix of excitement and anticipation. The sprawling city of Los Angeles grew smaller beneath us, and with it, LA was in the rear view of my life.

When I looked over at Buck, I felt a sense of reassurance. We were embarking on this journey together, ready to face whatever challenges and adventures awaited us.

"Here's to new beginnings," Buck said, lifting an imaginary glass. "To new beginnings," I echoed, squeezing his hand.

Against All Odds (E.Buckley x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now