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The week passed in a whirlwind of unpacking, settling in, and exploring the new neighborhood. But now the time had come for Buck to return to Los Angeles. He had taken time off from the 118 to help me with the move, but duty called him back.

That morning, the apartment felt unusually quiet. I stood in the kitchen, preparing breakfast, trying to savor these last few moments together. Buck entered, his packed suitcase by the door.

"Smells good," he murmured, walking in. I turned around, looking up at him. "I'm going to miss you so much."

"I'll miss you too," Buck said, his eyes reflecting sadness. "But you know this isn't goodbye. It's just see you later. I'll be back before you know it."

We ate breakfast together, then afterward, we headed to the airport, the drive filled with quiet moments and reassuring squeezes of the hand.

At the airport, Buck checked in and found a quiet corner near TSA. The clock was ticking for Buck to catch his flight and boarding calls echoed over the loudspeaker, signaling that our time together was drawing to a close.

I clung to Buck's hands, trying to memorize the feel of his fingers intertwined with mine. I looked up at him, my eyes shimmering with unshed tears.

"Oh Buck," I began, my voice wavering, I pulled him into a tight hug, "I can't imagine doing any of this without you. I'm so grateful for everything—for you." I broke down.

Buck squeezed my hands tighter, his own eyes glistening. "Y/N, you're the most amazing person I've ever met. Getting to watch you chase your dreams and get this incredible opportunity has been inspiring. I'm so proud of you, and I'll call you every day," he promised. "And we'll video chat. It won't be the same as being together, but we'll make it work."

More tears slipped down my cheek, but I managed a small smile. "I know we will.."

Buck gently wiped the tear from my cheek,. "God I love you, Y/N. More than words can say." He said holding me close trying to hide his tears.

"I love you too, Evan," I said, "So much." We embraced tightly, neither of us wanting to let go. "You gotta go..." I said wiping my tears and then his.

"I know. I'll see you soon, okay?" he said, his voice steady despite the emotion. "Soon," I echoed, nodding.

With one last, lingering kiss, Buck picked up his bag and headed toward TSA. I watched him go up the the escalator, my heart aching more the farther he went.

Just before he disappeared from view, Buck turned and waved, giving me a reassuring smile and threw me a kiss. I waved back, holding onto that image.

The ride back to my apartment felt longer, the silence of the car contrasting sharply with the lively conversations we had shared on the way to the airport.

When I arrived home, the apartment felt too quiet, the absence of Buck's presence a stark reminder of the distance now between us.

I took a deep breath, looking around the living room. Buck's touch was everywhere—in the way the furniture was arranged, in the pictures on the walls, in the small, thoughtful details he had insisted on adding.

Determined not to let sadness consume me, I decided to explore my new neighborhood, alone this time. I grabbed my keys and headed out, walking the bustling streets of New York. The city was alive with energy, and I found myself getting lost in its rhythm.

Later that evening, as I sat in the living room with a cup of tea, my phone rang. It was Buck. I answered eagerly, his familiar face appearing on the screen.

"Hey," he said, his smile lighting up the screen. "How was your day?"

"It was good," I replied, feeling a wave of relief wash over me. "I explored a bit and found a cute bookstore. How was your flight?"

"Long," Buck said with a chuckle. "But I'm back in LA now. The team sends their love."

We talked for hours, sharing the details of our days and making plans for Buck's next visit. "Goodnight, Buck," I said softly. "Goodnight, Y/N," he replied. "I'll see you soon." I smiled, "See you soon."

I woke up to the soft glow of the sun light filtering through my bedroom window. Today was my first day at New York Presbyterian. I glanced at the framed photo of me and Buck on the nightstand, his reassuring smile giving me a boost of confidence.

After getting ready, I took a moment to savor my coffee and mentally prepare myself for the day ahead. Arriving at the hospital, I took a deep breath and stepped through the revolving doors into the bustling lobby. The energy of the hospital was palpable, a hive of activity with doctors, nurses, and patients moving with purpose.

"Dr. Y/L/N?" a voice called out, and I turned to see Rebecca, approaching with a welcoming smile. "Welcome to New York Presbyterian. Are you ready for your first day?"

"Dr. Miller. I'm excited and a little nervous," I admitted, shaking Rebecca's hand. "That's perfectly normal," Rebecca assured me. "Let me show you around and introduce you to the team."

As we walked through the corridors, Rebecca pointed out various departments and important locations. We arrived at the Obstetrics and Gynecology department, where I would be working.

"Everyone, this is Dr. Y/N Y/L/N," Rebecca announced to the team gathered in the break room. "She is head of the department now, so any questions go to her."

The team greeted me warmly, and I quickly felt at ease. I was introduced to Dr. Alex Chen, who welcomed me with a firm handshake.

"Dr. Y/L/N, it's great to have you with us," Dr. Chen said. "We've heard wonderful things about you. I can get you settled in and then you can join us for rounds."

I followed Dr. Chen through the bustling maternity ward, where I observed the dynamic pace of the hospital firsthand. We visited several patients, and I was impressed.

As we moved from room to room, I found myself easing into my role. I consulted with patients, reviewed charts, and offered my expertise, feeling a sense of purpose and fulfillment. The day flew by in a blur of activity, each moment reinforcing my decision to take this leap of faith.

During a brief lull in the afternoon, I found myself in the break room, savoring a moment of quiet. I pulled out my phone and saw a message from Buck. Good luck today. You've got this. I'm so proud of you.

Smiling, I quickly typed back a response. Thanks, Buck. It's been a great first day so far. Miss you.

Just as I put my phone away, Rebecca walked in. "How are you holding up?" she asked, grabbing a cup of coffee.

"I'm good," I replied. "It's been a busy day, but everyone's been so welcoming. I feel like I'm in the right place."

Rebecca nodded. "You are. And if you ever need anything, just ask. We're a team here."

The remainder of the day was just as eventful. I assisted in a complex delivery, consulted with my colleagues on a challenging case, and even found time to mentor a resident who was eager to learn from my experience.

As the day wounded down, I found myself back in the break-room, reflecting on my first day. Before leaving, Dr. Chen stopped me in the lobby. "Great work today, Dr. Y/N," he said. "We're lucky to have you. Get some rest—you've earned it."

"Thank you, Dr. Chen," I replied, feeling a warm sense of belonging. Leaving the hospital, I stepped out into the evening air, the city lights twinkling around me. I called Buck, eager to share the details of my day.

"Hey," I said when he answered. "It was amazing, Buck. I think I'm really going to love it here."

"I knew you would," Buck replied, his voice filled with pride. "I can't wait to hear all about it."

Against All Odds (E.Buckley x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now