Chapter 34

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Hoshi stormed into the office. He might've broken a few laws on the drive there, but being a model citizen was the last thing on his mind at the current moment. He nearly kicked the door down, breathing in deeply to try and steady himself in the blind rage that was enveloping his whole psyche.


"Care to explain?" Hoshi barked, shoving his phone into the manager's face. It might've hit the older man's nose from the force Hoshi propelled the phone at. Oops.

Hoshi didn't understand why he was feeling like this. He knew this would happen. It was what was meant to happen. So why was he so indescribably angry?

The manager shrugged. "I did warn you against PDA in the building."

"So now you air out one of my most private moments to the media? For what?" he slammed his fist on the polished dark desk, causing the manager to wince at the sound.


"From who? That person you were texting?"

"Hm. So that was you with the camera set up? I commend your attempt, but next time, maybe put it a bit west of the statuette. That black lens was really disrupting the room's feng shui-"

"I literally do not give a shit about your feng shui. What orders? Who told you to do this?"

The manager leaned back onto the leather office chair. "And here I thought I was the one doing the questioning. You're the artist, I'm the manager. It's about time you act like it."

Hoshi scoffed. "It's about time you act like a manager. You think I haven't clocked the fact that you barely know our schedules? I've always guessed that you were some sort of stand-in agent or whatever they're called but you could at least pretend to care about the job you're supposed to be doing."

"I see no use. You all already know what you're supposed to be doing. Well, except for you. You seem hell-bent on doing the exact opposite of what you're told every single time."

"Oh, well I wonder why," Hoshi replied sarcastically.

"Well," the manager stood up. "This was a nice chat, Soonyoung. I'm afraid I'm very busy and have a lot to get through so we have to cut this... riveting conversation short, but I appreciate you dropping by and explaining your thoughts," he said, placing a hand on Hoshi's back and slowly leading him out of the room.

"Wait, now hold on-"

"Have a nice day," the manager smiled, shutting the door into Hoshi's face.


"Seungkwan is currently yelling out Lena Park songs in the kitchen," Hoshi narrated to Woozi over the phone. There was only a small huff heard from the other side of the line as Seungkwan continued his performance very passionately, clanging on the counters with tongs and other kitchen items, then spinning around and pretending to faint with each new line.

"Can you remind me what you're doing there again?" Woozi asked.

"Jeonghan called me over. Honestly, I'm not quite sure yet, but I'm beginning to suspect it was just a ploy to get me to listen to Seungkwan's diva moment with no way to escape."

"Hm. Sounds like quite the experience. Well, I'll leave you to it then."

"You're just gonna leave me alone with that?" he aggressively gestured at Seungkwan, though he knew Woozi would not be able to see the action. Not unless he had a real-time hologram projector which, last he checked, they were not in a Star Wars movie. "Wow, Jihoon. That's just low."

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