Chapter 16

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Pitch darkness. A sight Jang-mi had become all too familiar with. Her eyes slowly opened, another bright light throbbing into them. All she could muster was croaking the word "again?" to whoever was in the room. Sitting up, a splitting headache attacked her head, her skull on fire as if being torn apart from the inside. She winced in pain.

"Jang-mi! Thank god, everyone was so worried..." a muffled voice said. She twisted her head to the side, revealing her roommate standing over her.

"Eugh," was all she could say in the moment. The day was one blurry memory. What had happened? She went home after dinner, drank some water, and then...

And then...

Oh no. The concert.

Another wince escaped her lips, though this one from embarrassment and frustration rather than physical pain. She turned to her roommate once more.

"How long have I been out?" she croaked.

"Concert ended an hour ago, you were brought here earlier, I assume. This was right around after second VCR? Probably two and a half hours, give or take,"

"Okay," she slowly brought herself up, another barrage of messages sitting in her phone.

Mira: omg is everything okay? i saw what happened at the concert, text me when you can alright?

Ahri: I swear it's hoshi, isn't it? there's just no way you keep fainting around him like that all the time LMAO

She smiled, responding to both: a sweet 'thank you' text to Mira, and an eyeroll emoji to Ahri.

Soon, a response surfaced from Mira.

00:14 glad to hear that you're okay!
        oh, also, I may have found some information on this heejin girl...

what? how? 00:14

00:14 i have my means :)

mira. 00:14

00:14 oh come onnn the boss didn't notice it's fine
        let me give you the rundown. so basically
        she graduated med school last year, i think? but she had trouble finding a job
        digital footprint and stuff you know
        so she finally settled at daehan, conveniently two days before wonwoo's car crash
     she's also apparently a taekwondo black belt
        also she's known to be really toxic online

you can add 'in real life' to that list too 00:15

00:15 i can imagine
        so anyways, she's been taking out dosages of this one drug
        is it not the one you got taken out with the first time?

was it diphen something? 00:15

00:15 yeah yeah that one
        so that's all i managed to find out

thank you so much i love you 00:15

00:15 ly2. just try not to poison yourself again pls

With that, Jang-mi shakily stood up. She was still woozy from the drugs; her head spun, and she wobbled around unsteadily. What she needed was some water - some normal, unspiked water.

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