Chapter 30

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To everyone's (bar Hoshi) surprise, the pancakes actually turned out edible, after the pieces of egg and a few strands of Mingyu's hair had been removed. The four sat around the island and mingled, slathering nutella and whipped cream on their breakfast.

"Mm. This whipped cream actually turned out good. The merengue training really paid off for you, didn't it?" Jang-mi praised.

Mingyu nodded. "You actually watched it?"

"Of course. Were it not for Cheol's insistence that I go and support you guys, I never would've discovered the wonders of Jun at a wine festival or you struggling to beat merengue for hours on end."

Mingyu threw his head up. "Please, don't remind me of that again. Whenever those clips pop up on my feed I get a crazy urge to douse Jeonghan hyung in water."

Hoshi slid his hand into hers. "Anything to say about me?"

She thought for a moment. "Oh, I didn't even know you were there," she replied sarcastically.

He shook his head. "After all of that, I still get sidelined and neglected by my girlfriend."

Mingyu smirked. "Try getting your jokes ignored and being bullied by 12 others - relentlessly, might I add, for 10 years. I think being joked at by your girlfriend a few times is nothing."

"Speaking of," Jang-mi gestured at him with a pancake-stabbed fork, "what's your dating situation?"

"Me? Trust me, it's way less interesting than you'd think. I've been on a few first dates but nothing really developed from that," he explained.

"Who with?"

"Hm. Well, for one, Lisa."

The room went silent as everyone's mouths and forks dropped down to the floor. Jun and Hoshi both stared at Mingyu like he was some escaped zoo animal.

"You- you pulled- Lisa??" Jun stammered.

"Why are you surprised?" Mingyu feigned offense, pouting. "We were at that Bvlgari event, so I thought why not. We had dinner together but realized it would never work."

Hoshi's jaw unhinged. "You- you-"

"Yes, me. Wow, is it really that hard to believe?" He asked, turning to Jang-mi. She just nodded in response.

Mingyu just shook his head in disbelief.

After they had finished their pancakes and washed everything up, it seemed like Jun and Mingyu were ready to leave. Jang-mi waved to the two before Hoshi stopped her.

"How quickly can you get ready?" he asked, a little urgency in his tone.

"Depends on how quickly I need to get ready," she answered vaguely.

"I'll take that as very slowly."

"Yah, I can be very fast. I'm guessing you need me to walk them off to their cars or something?"

"Yeah, sort of. We'll wait in my car, okay?"

"Sure. Wait - in the car?" she asked as the three had already disappeared out the door. Shrugging, Jang-mi made her way to the bathroom to go get ready. She threw on some jeans, a beige sweater, and a black puffer coat, then moving onto her makeup. After that, she grabbed a tote and a ball cap and made her way outside.

She found Hoshi's car and he waved at her to get in. She complied, taking the backseat next to Jun.

"And time. 24 minutes 36 seconds," Mingyu said, holding up a stopwatch on his phone.

"You timed me?" Jang-mi scoffed.

"Yay! You guys both owe me coffee and snacks now," Jun proudly exclaimed.

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