Chapter 44

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Time seemed to pass agonizingly slow - Jang-mi tried to fight back, but was restrained by what seemed like multiple men around her. Once the car stopped, she was pushed out of it and guided by the men inside some building. She felt like they were taking an elevator up very high, but she truly couldn't tell. But wherever she was, she was sure it wasn't safe.

Once the lift stopped, they grabber her by the arms again and moved her forward as she flailed like a ragdoll. A minute or so later the men took off the bag, themselves disappearing into the darkness.

Jang-mi found herself in a dark, almost cave-like room. It was absolutely enormous, making the single desk with a few chairs positioned right in the middle of the room look absolutely tiny, illuminated only by some fluorescent lights that made the whole place look even starker than it could've been.

She squinted her eyes, adjusting to the light and her surroundings. As she did so, a woman approached the desk, sitting down. Her hair was slicked in a tight bun and she was wearing a button-down shirt with black pants and what looked like Louboutin heels.

"Jang-mi! Come, take a seat," the woman smiled, gesturing at a black leather chair.

Sensing a lack of other options, Jang-mi waddled over into the armchair.

"I know you're curious of why I brought you here," the woman began. Jang-mi inhaled, sensing a monologue heading her way. "Oh, but where are my manners? I'm Seo Kayoung, pleased to meet you," she warmly said, extending a hand for Jang-mi.

Jang-mi's brows furrowed. Just who was this woman? She certainly didn't recognize her, had no recollection of ever meeting her. "Have- have we met before?"

"Oh no, dear. Not in person, which is why this is such a momentous occasion. Say, why don't we celebrate?" she retracted her hand and snapped her fingers, and a butler with two wide glasses and a bottle of Hennessy XO quickly ran over, placing them on her desk and scurrying away.

Kayoung poured some for Jang-mi, then herself. She handed the glass over to Jang-mi who reluctantly accepted.

"To our meeting," Kayoung raised hers in what resembled that one scene from the Great Gatsby.

"To- to our meeting," Jang-mi echoed quietly, watching Kayoung down the alcohol in one fell swoop. She awkwardly sipped on hers, quickening her pace when she noticed Kayoung staring at her. She set the glass down on the desk.

Kayoung leaned against the black desk and crossed her arms, furrowing her brows at Jang-mi. "Is something wrong? Was the alcohol not to your liking? I have plenty more, so I'm sure we can find something to better suit your taste," she offered.

"No, thank you. The alcohol was fine," Jang-mi shook her head.

"That's lovely to hear. Now, to the matter at hand," Kayoung meandered around the desk and sat back down in the office chair.

"I'm afraid your little arrangement with Kwon Soonyoung cannot go on."

Jang-mi tensed, staring at the woman in confusion.

"Whilst he is currently in the army, this will only go on for 18 months, after which I expect he would very happily return back to you and resume your relationship. That cannot happen."

"Why is that?" Jang-mi asked, cautious yet defiant.

Kayoung glanced over at Jang-mi patronizingly, like at a child who just asked a very stupid question. She smiled and shook her head for a moment.

"You're acquainted with Sara, I'm sure?"

"Yeah, but what does she have to do with this?"

Kayoung snapped her fingers again, waiting for the tuxedo-clad server to reappear from the shadows and take away their glasses. Once he was done, she turned back to Jang-mi. "Sara is my sister. Half-sister, but family nonetheless."

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